Эстетические чувства обучающихся будут развиваться непосредственно в п 번역 - Эстетические чувства обучающихся будут развиваться непосредственно в п 영어 말하는 방법

Эстетические чувства обучающихся бу

Эстетические чувства обучающихся будут развиваться непосредственно в процессе изготовления ими полезных вещей. Поэтому руководитель должен тщательно отбирать предметы, над которыми будут работать ребята. Народное искусство было всегда по преимущественно бытовым, и изучать его приемы, традиции, его своеобразную художественную структуру надо, непременно работая над полезными, нужными в быту предметами. Показав тот или иной прием художественной обработки металла, надо сразу же дать ребятам задание, выполнение которого закрепит полученные знания. Ребята создадут вещь, которая найдет свое место в жизни или общественном интерьере. Такое обучение будет обладать не только необходимой серьезностью, практической необходимостью замысла и самой работы, но и получит одобрение со стороны ближайшего окружения обучающихся. Оно явится наглядным примером того, как можно и надо трудиться по законам красоты, и станет, таким образом, важным компонентом духовного, нравственного воспитания подрастающего поколения. С другой стороны, обучая студентов основам художественного ремесла, необходимо помнить, что эти занятия открывают им великолепный мир народного искусства, вобравшей в себя многовековые представления о красоте и гармонии. Поэтому важно умело сочетать показ тех или иных приемов с интересным рассказом об искусстве, демонстрацией высших достижений народных мастеров.
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
The aesthetic feelings of the learners will develop directly in the process of making useful things. The Manager must therefore carefully select items that will work guys. Folk art was always predominantly domestic, and learn his techniques, traditions, its peculiar artistic structure must necessarily working on useful, necessary in everyday life. Showing a welcome artistic metal processing, it is necessary to immediately give the guys a task that will consolidate the obtained knowledge. Guys will create a thing that will find their place in life or public Interior. Such training will have not only a necessary seriousness, practical necessity and plan of the work itself, but also to receive approval from the inner circle of students. It would be a good example of how you can and need to work according to the laws of beauty, and thus become an important component of the spiritual, moral upbringing of the younger generation. On the other hand, teaching students the basics of artistic crafts, it must be remembered that these classes offer them a magnificent world of folk art, which in itself centuries-old notions about beauty and harmony. It is therefore important to skillfully combine the showing of those or other techniques with an interesting story about the art of demonstration of the highest achievements of folk artists.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
The aesthetic sense of students will develop directly in the manufacturing process of useful things. Therefore, the manager must carefully select the items on which work guys. Folk art has always been predominantly on the domestic, and to study its methods, traditions of his original artistic structure is necessary, certainly working on useful and necessary in everyday life objects. Showing a particular reception of artistic metal, it is necessary to immediately give the children a task to be executed will consolidate the acquired knowledge. The children will create a thing that will find its place in public life or the interior. This training will not only have the necessary seriousness, spirit and practical necessity of the work itself, but also get approval from the inner circle of students. It will be a good example of how we can and must work according to the laws of beauty, and will, therefore, an important component of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. On the other hand, teaching students the basics of artistic craft, it is necessary to remember that these activities open to them the wonderful world of folk art, which has absorbed the centuries-old notions of beauty and harmony. Therefore, it is important to skillfully combine display of various techniques with an interesting story about the art, a demonstration of the highest achievements of folk artists.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
aesthetic feelings of students are developed directly in the process of manufacture of useful things. therefore, the head should be carefully selected objects, on which work guys.folk art was always predominantly domestic, and to study his techniques, tradition, its peculiar artistic structure we will working with necessary household items.by showing the reception of the processing of metal, you should immediately give kids homework, which will build on the knowledge gained. you guys make thingto find your place in life or public interior. this training will possess not only the required seriousness and the need to design practical workbut gets approved by the immediate environment students. it would be a good example of how we can and should work according to the law of beauty, and is thus an important component of the spiritual.the moral education of the younger generation. on the other hand, teaching students the basics of artistic crafts, it must be remembered that these classes provide them a great world of artincorporating the age-old notions of beauty and harmony. it is therefore important to skillfully combine the different techniques with an interesting story about the art of the highest achievements, the folk artists.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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