iii. technological education in high school, 247mosquito stage, сарже a.modern forms of teacher training for professional careers in information technology environment, the technology education 253novikov n.the creative work of future teachers in the multimedia technology образоватеьной environment of university. 258 ten h.e.the development of innovative methods of research materials and their integration in the course of technological profile of 265 subjectssciences. miguelбатвинкина los angeles.the bushes and.зеленев wm.characterization of chemical heat treatment of ceramic materials using amd - methods and information technology 270miguel sciences.добрачева a.n.the bushes and.зеленев wm.technology innovation and optimization of learning a foreign language (korean) 275teng yu. p.the motivation of students in learning as a pedagogical problem of modern technological education 281kozlova i.v., melnikov and.creative mini projects to the substantive preparation of baccalaureate teacher education technology training system profile.чернецова н.л.creative competence of teachers serving as the basis of his work and creative development of 294of tikhonov.330the use of игромоделирования in the preparation of future teachers in the field of technological education 298лукашеня z.v., сенюта n.v..the formation of skills to address physical tasks in the first law of thermodynamics, as the foundation of professional competence of teachers technology 305редькин v.p., равуцкая ж.и.control and its efficiency to the refresher courses 314нагибин н.и., соловьёва о.ю.several points for discussion on the concept of technological education 319leonov. mr..
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