Иными словами, мышление – умственная познавательная и проектная деятел 번역 - Иными словами, мышление – умственная познавательная и проектная деятел 영어 말하는 방법

Иными словами, мышление – умственна

Иными словами, мышление – умственная познавательная и проектная деятельность человека, и как всякая деятельность, имеет мотив, цель, технологии, план (систему) действий и операций, результат и контроль результата. Известны основные виды умственных операций: сравнение, анализ, синтез, абстракция, конкретизация, индукция, дедукция, классификация, обобщение.
Во втором определении проектная деятельность включает только умственные действия: выбор (генерацию) оптимальной идеи реализации темы проекта и составление обоснованного плана действий.
В учебной деятельности, в частности в образовательной (предметной) области «Технология», под проектом понимается творческая работа, выполненная учащимся или группой учащихся при консультации учителя [10, 11]. Эта работа включает не только выбор темы, анализ информации (прототипов), выбор (генерацию) оптимальной идеи, но и её реализацию и презентацию проекта (думал – придумал – сделал – защитил). Умственная деятельность необходима на всех этапах выполнения проекта.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
In other words, thinking-mental cognitive and human activity, and like any activity, has a motive, purpose, technology plan (System) and operations, the result and the monitoring of results. Aware of the main types of mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, specification, induction, deduction, classification, synthesis.The second definition of project activities includes only mental steps: selection (generating) optimal realization project themes and drawing up a reasoned plan of action.Training activities, in particular in education (substantive) area "technology" under the draft refers to the creative work done by students or a group of students when consulting the teacher [10, 11]. This work includes not only the choice of topics, information analysis (prototypes), choice (generation) best ideas, but also her realization and presentation of the project (thought-invented-did-defended). Mental activity is needed at all stages of the project.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
In other words, thinking - mental and cognitive engineering activity of man, and, like any activity, has the motive, purpose, technology plan (system) actions and operations results and control results. There are basic types of mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization, induction, deduction, classification, generalization.
In the second determining project activity includes only mental steps: selection (generation) best ideas implementation of the project themes and preparation of reasonable plan of action.
The training activities, in particular in education (subject) area "Technology", a project meant creative work, made ​​to students or groups of students, in consultation teacher [10, 11]. This includes not only the choice of the theme, information analysis (prototype), the choice (generation) best idea, but its implementation and presentation of the project (think - think - did - protected). Mental activity is necessary at all stages of the project.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
in other words, thinking is the intellectual informative and the human activity, and no activity is the motive, objective, technology, plan of action (system) and of the result and the control result.known the main types of mental operations: comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, specification, induction, deduction, classification, synthesis.the second definition of the project includes only the mental actions (send) the best ideas, the choice of the theme of the project and a sound plan.
in the training activitiesin particular, in the field of education (substantive) technology, a project is interpreted as the work performed by the student or group of students consultation teacher [10, 11].this includes not only the selection of the topic, the analysis information (prototypes), selection (send) the best ideas, but also its realization and project presentation (thought, idea is made is defended).mental activity is required at all stages of the implementation of the project.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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