Профессиональная подготовка учителей технологии традиционно включает в себя изучение электротехники. Традиционно, потому что сегодня этого, увы, не требует Профессиональный стандарт педагога [1]. Профстандарт не содержит конкретных сведений о специфических трудовых действиях учителя технологии. Не лучше обстоит дело и с ФГОС ВО. Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт подготовки бакалавров направления «Педагогическое образование» [2] относит все специальные предметы профильной подготовки к вариативной части учебных планов, которая формируется высшим учебным заведением. Таким образом, образовательные программы вузов, ведущих профессиональную подготовку бакалавров педобразования с профилем «Технология», вообще говоря, в настоящее время могут не предполагать изучение электротехники как обязательной дисциплины. Как говорится – дело вкуса.
Teacher training technology traditionally involves studying electrical engineering. Traditionally, because of this, alas, does not require professional standard educator [1]. Profstandart does not contain specific information about specific labour activities teacher technology. The situation is no better with the GEF. Federal State educational standard of Bachelors of the pedagogical education» [2] relates all special items profile preparation to elective part of the curriculum, which is formed by an institution of higher education. Thus, educational programs of universities, leading training Bachelors pedobrazovaniâ with "technology", generally speaking, now can not suggest studying electrical engineering as a mandatory discipline. As the saying goes-a matter of taste.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
Training teachers of technology traditionally includes the study of electrical engineering. Traditionally, because today this, alas, does not require a professional standard of teachers [1]. Professional standards does not contain specific information on the specific actions of the teacher labor technology. No better case with the GEF IN. Federal state educational standards of bachelor direction "Teacher education" [2] classifies all special items profile preparation for the variable part of curricula, which is formed by the higher education institution. Thus, the educational programs of universities, leading training bachelors pedobrazovaniya with the profile "Technology", in general, may now not to believe the study of electrical engineering as a compulsory subject. As they say - a matter of taste.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
training teachers of technology traditionally includes the study of electrical engineering. traditionally, because today, alas, does not require professional standard of teacher [1].профстандарт contains specific data on the specific labour action master technology. not better than is the case with the gef.the federal state educational standard training of "teacher education" bachelor's [2] are all special items out of вариативной part curriculumas a higher education institution. thus, the curricula of universities, the leading training bachelors педобразования with profile "technology, generally speaking,currently may not involve a study of electrical engineering as a compulsory subject. as it is a matter of taste.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..