1. Russia will not stick to have buses of the same color, there are many reasons: some carriers are indifferent to this, and I don't want to deal with some legal difficulties in staging the bus registration in traffic police, because in documents specify the color of the car, and because of the border come second-hand buses of different colors ... Large companies in Primorsky Krai such as ILA "VPOPAT No. 1 LLC and ATP Primorje have a single color for them is like a business card so they stand out among the rest. During Soviet times, was accepted conditionally-City usually yellow, long distance red, this is largely due to the Hungarian Ikarus buses (http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/631200/, http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/533262/). most common colors municipal carriers of major cities such as Moscow or Kazan, for example. 2 Salary different to
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