1.В России не прижилось иметь автобусы одного цвета, причин много: нек 번역 - 1.В России не прижилось иметь автобусы одного цвета, причин много: нек 영어 말하는 방법

1.В России не прижилось иметь автоб

1.В России не прижилось иметь автобусы одного цвета, причин много: некоторые перевозчики безразличны к этому, а кому то не хочется решать некоторые юридические сложности при постановки автобуса на учет в дорожной полиции, так как в документах указываются цвет автомобиля, а из-за граници приходят подержанные автобусы разного цвета.. Крупные компании в Приморском крае такие как МПВ "ВПОПАТ №1" и ООО АТП "Приморье" имеют единый цвет для них это как визитная карточка они так выделяются среди остальных. Во времена СССР условно было принято - городские обычно желтые, междугородние красные, во многом это связано с венгерскими автобусами Ikarus (http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/631200/ , http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/533262/ ).Чаще всего единые цвета у муниципальных перевозчиков крупных городов такие как Москва или Казань например.
2 Зарплата разная к
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
1. Russia will not stick to have buses of the same color, there are many reasons: some carriers are indifferent to this, and I don't want to deal with some legal difficulties in staging the bus registration in traffic police, because in documents specify the color of the car, and because of the border come second-hand buses of different colors ... Large companies in Primorsky Krai such as ILA "VPOPAT No. 1 LLC and ATP Primorje have a single color for them is like a business card so they stand out among the rest. During Soviet times, was accepted conditionally-City usually yellow, long distance red, this is largely due to the Hungarian Ikarus buses (http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/631200/, http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/533262/). most common colors municipal carriers of major cities such as Moscow or Kazan, for example. 2 Salary different to
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
1. In Russia have not caught on buses of the same color, a lot of reasons: some carriers are indifferent to it, and who do not want to solve some legal difficulties in setting a bus on the account in the traffic police, as indicated in the documents of the color of the car, but because of the border used buses come in different colors .. Large companies in the Primorsky region such as refraction "VPOPAT №1" Ltd. and ATP "Primorye" have a uniform color for them is like a business card so they stand out among the rest. In Soviet times, was made ​​conditional - city usually yellow, red long-distance, this is largely due to the Hungarian buses Ikarus (http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/631200/, http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/ 533262 /) .Chasche uniform color of all municipal carriers of major cities such as Moscow and Kazan eg.
2 to the different salary
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
1.In Russia do not have buses roof timbers one color, causes many: some carriers indifferent to this,And to whom do not want to deal with some of the legal difficulties in placing a bus to the registration in the traffic police, as in the documents specified vehicle color,
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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