1. In Russia have not caught on buses of the same color, a lot of reasons: some carriers are indifferent to it, and who do not want to solve some legal difficulties in setting a bus on the account in the traffic police, as indicated in the documents of the color of the car, but because of the border used buses come in different colors .. Large companies in the Primorsky region such as refraction "VPOPAT №1" Ltd. and ATP "Primorye" have a uniform color for them is like a business card so they stand out among the rest. In Soviet times, was made conditional - city usually yellow, red long-distance, this is largely due to the Hungarian buses Ikarus (http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/631200/, http://fotobus.msk.ru/photo/ 533262 /) .Chasche uniform color of all municipal carriers of major cities such as Moscow and Kazan for example.
2 Salary different specific figures, I did not call. Most often, the scheme has the following company with the license and buses, which rents its transport drivers. The driver selects a specific direction of the route that is convenient to them and carry out the plan in terms of revenue, all in excess of the plan is to them in his pocket. All the hangings of the traffic flow.
3. The best opportunity for Hyundai, although popular carriers Daewoo, because of its lower price.
4. Since childhood, I like to travel, and had to travel by bus. In 2001, a friend of mine advised me to take pictures of buses and trucks since I was very interested in them.
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