to know / understand
• the impact on the social development of technologies ;
• the components of the modern production of goods or services ;
• ways to reduce the negative impact on the environment :
• methods of work organization , individual and count - selective operation ;
• the main stages of the project activity ;
• sources of information on how to obtain vocational training and employment ;
to be able to
• evaluate the quality of consumer goods and services ;
• explore the potential needs of customers in the market of goods and services ;
• prepare action plans for the manufacture and sale of the product of labor ;
• use methods of solving creative problems in a technological activity ;
• design a material object or service ; lin - lyat process and results of project activities ;
• organize jobs , to choose the means and methods of the project ;
• perform studied manufacturing operations ;
• plan the best promotion material object or service in the market of goods and services ;
• clarify and correct professional intentions ;
use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life for :
• the design of material objects or services ; improve the efficiency of their practice , the organization of work at the collective form of labor ;
• solve practical problems in the chosen direction of technological preparation ;
• self educational services market research and professional activities .
• rational behavior on the labor market , goods and services ;
• resume writing and of self .
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