знать/понимать• влияние технологий на общественное развитие;• составля 번역 - знать/понимать• влияние технологий на общественное развитие;• составля 영어 말하는 방법

знать/понимать• влияние технологий

• влияние технологий на общественное развитие;
• составляющие современного производства товаров или услуг;
• способы снижения негативного влияния производства на окружающую среду:
• способы организации труда, индивидуальной и кол-лективной работы;
• основные этапы проектной деятельности;
• источники получения информации о путях получения профессионального образования и трудоустройства;
• оценивать потребительские качества товаров и услуг;
• изучать потребности потенциальных покупателей на рынке товаров и услуг;
• составлять планы деятельности по изготовлению и реализации продукта труда;
• использовать методы решения творческих задач в технологической деятельности;
• проектировать материальный объект или услугу; оформ-лять процесс и результаты проектной деятельности;
• организовывать рабочие места; выбирать средства и методы реализации проекта;
• выполнять изученные технологические операции;
• планировать возможное продвижение материального объекта или услуги на рынке товаров и услуг;
• уточнять и корректировать профессиональные намерения;
использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни для:
• проектирования материальных объектов или услуг; повышения эффективности своей практической деятельности; организации трудовой деятельности при коллективной форме труда;
• решения практических задач в выбранном направлении технологической подготовки;
• самостоятельного анализа рынка образовательных услуг и профессиональной деятельности.
• рационального поведения на рынке труда, товаров и услуг;
• составления резюме и проведения самопрезентации.

다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
know/understand• impact of technology on society;• components of a modern production of goods or services;• ways to reduce the negative impact of environmental production Wednesday:• ways of organizing labour, individual and lektivnoj work;• the main stages of the project activities;• sources of information on how to obtain vocational education and employment;to be able to• assess the consumer product and service quality;• examine the needs of potential buyers in the market of goods and services;• prepare action plans to implement the product manufacturing and labour;• use methods for solving creative problems in technological activity;• design a material object or service; clearance to the process and outcomes of project activities;• organize working places; Choose the means and methods of realization of the project;• comply with the studied technological operations;• plan the possible promotion of tangible object or services in the market of goods and services;• refine and adjust professional intentions;use the acquired knowledge and skills into practice and everyday life:• designing physical objects or services; increase the effectiveness of its action; Labour Organization activities in collective form of labour;• solution of practical tasks in the selected direction technological preparation;• independent analysis of the market of educational services and professional activities.• rational behaviour on the labour market, goods and services;• summarize and spending of self-presentation.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
to know / understand
• the impact on the social development of technologies ;
• the components of the modern production of goods or services ;
• ways to reduce the negative impact on the environment :
• methods of work organization , individual and count - selective operation ;
• the main stages of the project activity ;
• sources of information on how to obtain vocational training and employment ;
to be able to
• evaluate the quality of consumer goods and services ;
• explore the potential needs of customers in the market of goods and services ;
• prepare action plans for the manufacture and sale of the product of labor ;
• use methods of solving creative problems in a technological activity ;
• design a material object or service ; lin - lyat process and results of project activities ;
• organize jobs , to choose the means and methods of the project ;
• perform studied manufacturing operations ;
• plan the best promotion material object or service in the market of goods and services ;
• clarify and correct professional intentions ;
use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life for :
• the design of material objects or services ; improve the efficiency of their practice , the organization of work at the collective form of labor ;
• solve practical problems in the chosen direction of technological preparation ;
• self educational services market research and professional activities .
• rational behavior on the labor market , goods and services ;
• resume writing and of self .

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
know / understandthe impact of technology on social development;the components of the production of goods or services;the ways to reduce the negative impact of production on the environment.techniques for labour organization, individual and collective лективной work;the main phases of project activities;the sources of information on how to obtain vocational education and employment;to be able to- to assess consumer the quality of goods and services;- examine the needs of potential buyers on the market of goods and services;- the plan of manufacture and the product of labour.use methods of dealing with creative tasks in the technological activity;- to design the material object or service; ap to the process and results of the project activities;- arrange jobs; to choose the means and methods of the project;- perform studied technological operation.the plan can promote the material object or service on the market of goods and services;the refine and adjust professional commitment;to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and daily life.the design of physical facilities or services; to improve the effectiveness of its activities; the work in a collective form of labour;the solution of practical tasks in the chosen direction of technological development;- an analysis of the market of educational services and training activities.the rational conduct on the labour market, goods and services;the profile and the самопрезентации.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
번역 도구 지원: 갈리시아어, 구자라트어, 그리스어, 네덜란드어, 네팔어, 노르웨이어, 덴마크어, 독일어, 라오어, 라트비아어, 라틴어, 러시아어, 루마니아어, 룩셈부르크어, 리투아니아어, 마라티어, 마오리어, 마케도니아어, 말라가시어, 말라얄람어, 말레이어, 몰타어, 몽골어, 몽어, 미얀마어 (버마어), 바스크어, 베트남어, 벨라루스어, 벵골어, 보스니아어, 불가리아어, 사모아어, 세르비아어, 세부아노, 세소토어, 소말리아어, 쇼나어, 순다어, 스와힐리어, 스웨덴어, 스코틀랜드 게일어, 스페인어, 슬로바키아어, 슬로베니아어, 신디어, 신할라어, 아랍어, 아르메니아어, 아이슬란드어, 아이티 크리올어, 아일랜드어, 아제르바이잔어, 아프리칸스어, 알바니아어, 암하라어, 언어 감지, 에스토니아어, 에스페란토어, 영어, 오리야어, 요루바어, 우르두어, 우즈베크어, 우크라이나어, 웨일즈어, 위구르어, 이그보어, 이디시어, 이탈리아어, 인도네시아어, 일본어, 자바어, 조지아어, 줄루어, 중국어, 중국어 번체, 체와어, 체코어, 카자흐어, 카탈로니아어, 칸나다어, 코르시카어, 코사어, 쿠르드어, 크로아티아어, 크메르어, 클링곤어, 키냐르완다어, 키르기스어, 타갈로그어, 타밀어, 타지크어, 타타르어, 태국어, 터키어, 텔루구어, 투르크멘어, 파슈토어, 펀자브어, 페르시아어, 포르투갈어, 폴란드어, 프랑스어, 프리지아어, 핀란드어, 하와이어, 하우사어, 한국어, 헝가리어, 히브리어, 힌디어, 언어 번역.

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