Только что позвонили сказали, что где-то в районе военного училища гор 번역 - Только что позвонили сказали, что где-то в районе военного училища гор 영어 말하는 방법

Только что позвонили сказали, что г

Только что позвонили сказали, что где-то в районе военного училища горит троллейбус, а водитель погиб. Подробностей пока нет. Санек Царство тебе Небесное :(((
22.01.2015 08:21 CEST
Akellaua · Donetsk
Photos: 2

22.01.2015 08:35 CEST
Photos: 1286

Изрешетило тролль, около 10 убитых, 20 ранено, рядом миномётная мина упала, так же трамвай рядом пострадал
22.01.2015 09:35 CEST
Yuriy Suprunov · Artyomovsk
Photos: 404


Видео с места... там видно и водителя.

Это просто жесть...
22.01.2015 09:41 CEST
ArsenZP · Zaporozhye
Photos: 1

Простите, господа, вопрос, наверное. неуместный в данном случае - но как так - троллейбус расфигачен, а ЭМУ работает?
22.01.2015 09:41 CEST
IKS · Minsk
Photos: 3241 · General Editor

Вот почему при начале обстрелов ОТ вообще ездит???? Сколько ещё должно быть убито человек и разгромлено техники? Я понимаю, что бардак, но всё же, это не первый случай. Без политики.
22.01.2015 09:42 CEST
killk0 · Moscow
No photos

22.01.2015 09:43 CEST
Виталий Лунёв · Donetsk
No photos · City Editor

Сам троллейбус рабочий, пострадало остекление и обшивка. Но это не сравнимо с жертвами. Пусть весь парк растрощат но только бы не забирать жизни людей.
22.01.2015 09:59 CEST
saveliy · Ufa
Photos: 4

Цитата (IKS, 22.01.2015):
> Вот почему при начале обстрелов ОТ вообще ездит???? Сколько ещё должно быть убито человек и разгромлено техники? Я понимаю, что бардак, но всё же, это не первый случай. Без политики.

Во время ВОВ в Ленинграде тоже ездили трамваи во время блокады, людям жить то надо, как-то передвигаться.
22.01.2015 10:07 CEST
Синий трамвай · Makeyevka
Photos: 748

Цитата (IKS, 22.01.2015):
> Вот почему при начале обстрелов ОТ вообще ездит???? Сколько ещё должно быть убито человек и разгромлено техники? Я понимаю, что бардак, но всё же, это не первый случай. Без политики.

В Ленинском районе до этого дня шла вполне мирная жизнь.
22.01.2015 10:09 CEST
str · Minsk
Photos: 24

Цитата (Синий трамвай, 22.01.2015):
> В Ленинском районе до этого дня шла вполне мирная жизнь.

какая разница, город бомбят, я бы уехал оттуда даже если бы жил на другом конце. людям не дорога собственная жизнь
22.01.2015 10:24 CEST
Володя · Moscow
Photos: 1

Цитата (IKS, 22.01.2015):
> Вот почему при начале обстрелов ОТ вообще ездит?

Стреляющие не предупреждают о начале обстрела. Не выезжать вообще из-за войны = признать своё поражение
22.01.2015 10:28 CEST
Виталий Лунёв · Donetsk
No photos · City Editor

Гибнут мирные, гибнут друзья. И хочется чтобы это остановилось. Мне жаль молодого водителя и пассажиров.
22.01.2015 11:24 CEST
Mercury · Dnepropetrovsk
No photos

Полтора года назад думал, что несмотря на все проблемы, у нас 23 года нет войны. Сглазил. И оттуда, откуда пришла, ее никто не ожидал.
По событию - светлая память всем погибшим. Но судя по всему ближайшие позиции ВСУ в Песках, за 15 км от события. А в сети уже широко распространяется ролик с пленным киборгом и российскими журналистами на месте события.
22.01.2015 11:28 CEST
VicSin · Saint-Petersburg
Photos: 13

Обычная братоубийственная война, в которых одних простых людей заставляют убивать других простых людей. Всё ради того, чтобы олигархам жилось ещё лучше. (это обеих сторон касается) Естественно при такой войне находится куча сторон, получающих от войны свой профит. Это так сказать циничная часть.

А общечеловеческая... людям надо мотать из этих мест, людей жалко. Понятно, что многим мотать просто некуда, они никому не нужны, поэтому вынуждены выживать вот так.
22.01.2015 11:39 CEST
DimonS · Moscow
Photos: 3

Цитата (VicSin, 22.01.2015):
> Обычная братоубийственная война, в которых одних простых людей заставляют убивать других простых людей. Всё ради того, чтобы олигархам жилось ещё лучше. (это обеих сторон касается) Естественно при такой войне находится куча сторон, получающих от войны свой профит. Это так сказать циничная часть.
Соглашусь с каждым словом. А простых людей жалко...
22.01.2015 11:59 CEST
No photos

Цитата (Виталий Лунёв, 22.01.2015):
> Гибнут мирные, гибнут друзья.

В этом и есть весь ужас...
Соболезную родным и близким погибших и желаю скорейшего выздоровления пострадавшим.
22.01.2015 16:20 CEST
Янис Витолс · Tver
Photos: 1234

Бедные люди!
22.01.2015 17:36 CEST
Stanislav Savitskiy · Moscow
No photos

Глубокое, соболезнование родным и близким погибших!
Вечная память!
22.01.2015 19:05 CEST
Миха 71605РМ · Voronezh
Photos: 92

Щас смотрю подробно сюжет об этом, меня трясти начало.
22.01.2015 19:49 CEST
Косякин Денис · Voronezh
Photos: 52

Посмотрел сюжет... Когда же это кончится?... Вечная память погибшим...
22.01.2015 20:01 CEST
No photos

Нужна помощь для организации похорон. Сегодня при обстреле Боссе, в машине заживо сгорел Куприянов Михаил. Сегодня ночью у него умерла теща, ехал для организации ее похорон. 2 месяца назад похоронил жену. Осталась дочь 17 лет. В сгоревшей машине были деньги на похороны бабушки. Сейчас девочка сидит в доме с трупом своей бабушки, денег нет. Соседи помогают чем могут, но этого недостаточно для похорон. Помогите кто чем может. Можно помочь по адресу: пер. Боженко 50. Спасибо за любую помощь.


P.S. Номер карточки уже сами узнайте у девочки, прошу всем небезразличным помочь...
22.01.2015 20:47 CEST
tavalex2007 · Kyiv
Photos: 11678

Цитата (Косякин Денис, 22.01.2015):
> Когда же это кончится?

Это, увы, надолго и даже очень надолго.

Цитата (Виталий Лунёв, 22.01.2015):
> Сам троллейбус рабочий, пострадало остекление и обшивка.

Даже боковое ЭМУ работало, судя по видеоматериалу.
22.01.2015 21:05 CEST
Vityok · Kyiv
No photos

Посмотрел видео... Жесть... Когда это уже все закончится... Пострадали ни в чем не повинные люди...(((
22.01.2015 21:32 CEST
Натаныч · Minsk
Photos: 305

Соболезнования всем пострадавшим и их родным, не говоря уже о погибших. Обиднее всего, что страдают мирные жители... Надеюсь, что это закончится как можно скорее.
22.01.2015 21:40 CEST
Che Boy · Cherkessk
Photos: 100

По ТВ на всех каналах этот репортаж, вот чест
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Just called were told that somewhere in the area of military college lit trolley, and the driver was killed. There are no details yet. Sanya is the Kingdom of heaven to you ((:(22.01.2015 08:21 CESTLinkAkellaua · DonetskPhotos: 2http://www.62.ua/news/71781522.01.2015 08:35 CESTLinkTORMOZZ · PermPhotos: 1286Izrešetilo troll, about 10 killed, 20 wounded near minomëtnaâ mine fell, so did trams suffered22.01.2015 09:35 CESTLinkYuriy Suprunov · ArtyomovskPhotos: 404http://vk.com/video-67392358_171099644?z=video-67392358_171099644%2Fclub67392358%2Calbum-67392358Video ... There you can see the driver.It's just a Tin ...22.01.2015 09:41 CESTLinkArsenZP · ZaporozhyePhotos: 1Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, the issue probably. inappropriate in this case-but as so-rasfigačen trolley, and EMUS works?22.01.2015 09:41 CESTLinkIKS · MinskPhotos: 3241 · General EditorThat's why when you start shelling from the General rides? How much more should be killed people and destroyed equipment? I understand that mess, but still, this is not the first time. Without a policy.22.01.2015 09:42 CESTLinkkillk0 · MoscowNo photosLord ...22.01.2015 09:43 CESTLinkVitaliy Lunyov · DonetskNo photos · City EditorTrolleybus myself working, damaged glazing and cladding. But it is not comparable to the victims. Let the whole Park rastroŝat but don't take lives.22.01.2015 09:59 CESTLinksaveliy · UFAPhotos: 4Quote (IKS, 22.01.2015):> This is why when you start shelling from the General rides? How much more should be killed people and destroyed equipment? I understand that mess, but still, this is not the first time. Without a policy.During World War II in Leningrad also rode streetcars during the siege, people live you have to somehow move.22.01.2015 10:07 CESTLinkBlue tram · MakeyevkaPhotos: 748Quote (IKS, 22.01.2015):> This is why when you start shelling from the General rides? How much more should be killed people and destroyed equipment? I understand that mess, but still, this is not the first time. Without a policy.In the Leninsky district until that day was completely peaceful life.22.01.2015 10:09 CESTLinkstr · MinskPhotos: 24Quote (blue tram, 22.01.2015):> In the Leninsky district until that day was completely peaceful life.> What is the difference, city bomb, I would have left even if lived at the other end. people do not own life way22.01.2015 10:24 CESTLinkVolodya · MoscowPhotos: 1Quote (IKS, 22.01.2015):> This is why when you start shelling from the General rides?Firing does not warn about early bombardment. Do not go at all because of the war acknowledge their defeat =22.01.2015 10:28 CESTLinkVitaliy Lunyov · DonetskNo photos · City EditorKilling peace, dying friends. And wants it stopped. I feel sorry for young drivers and passengers.22.01.2015 11:24 CESTLinkMercury · DnepropetrovskNo photosA year and a half ago thought that despite all the problems, we have 23 years of no war. Evil eye. And from there, whence came, nobody expected.Event-the bright memory of all deceased. But apparently the next position GLW in Sands, for the 15 km event. And the networks are already widely distributed movie with captive cyborg and Russian journalists at the scene.22.01.2015 11:28 CESTLinkVicSin · Saint-PetersburgPhotos: 13The usual fratricidal war, in which some ordinary people forced to kill other ordinary people. All for the sake of oligarchs to live even better. (this applies to both sides) Naturally with such a war is a bunch of parties receiving the war its profit. So say cynical part.And universal ... people should fast from these places, people feel sorry for. Understandably, many overlap nowhere, they don't need anybody, therefore, forced to survive like this.22.01.2015 11:39 CESTLinkDimons · MoscowPhotos: 3Quote (VicSin, 22.01.2015):> Normal fratricidal war, in which some ordinary people forced to kill other ordinary people. All for the sake of oligarchs to live even better. (this applies to both sides) Naturally with such a war is a bunch of parties receiving the war its profit. So say cynical part.I agree with every word. And ordinary people feel sorry for ...22.01.2015 11:59 CESTLinkA CONNOISSEUR OF SABŽEJNo photosQuote (Vitaly Lunyov, 22.01.2015):> Die a peaceful, killing friends.This is horror ... My thoughts are with the relatives and friends of those killed and wish speedy recovery to the injured.22.01.2015 16:20 CESTLinkJanis Vitols · TverPhotos: 1234Poor people!22.01.2015 17:36 CESTLinkAnonymous Savitskiy · MoscowNo photosDeep condolences to the families and friends of the victims! Memory eternal!22.01.2015 19:05 CESTLinkMICAH 71605RM · VoronezhPhotos: 92Right now look in detail about this story, I start to shake.22.01.2015 19:49 CESTLinkKosâkin Denis · VoronezhPhotos: 52Looked up the plot. When does this end? ... Eternal memory to the fallen.22.01.2015 20:01 CESTLinkMurzikNo photosNeed assistance for funeral arrangements. Today in the shelling of the boss, burned alive in their car, Mikhail Kupriyanov. The night he died, she drove to the funeral. 2 months nazad pohoronil zhenu. 17 years old daughter remained. In the burnt car money for her grandmother's funeral. Now the girl sitting in the House with his grandmother's corpse, no money. Neighbors help than they can, but this is not enough for a funeral. Help who can. You can help at: Lane. Bozhenko 50. Thanks for any help.http://vk.com/id182906552http://vk.com/id20848952https://pp.vk.me/c623823/v623823700/14e69/9OP-9lIfFIc.jpgP.s. card number alone ask beg girls all with help ...22.01.2015 20:47 CESTLinktavalex2007 · KyivPhotos: 11678Quote (Denis Kosâkin, 22.01.2015):> When does this end?It is, alas, for a long time and even very long.Quote (Vitaly Lunyov, 22.01.2015):> Work trolley Himself, suffered glazing and cladding.Even lateral EMU work, judging by the video.22.01.2015 21:05 CESTLinkVityok · KyivNo photosLooked video ... Tin ... When it is all over. Hurt innocent people. (((22.01.2015 21:32 CESTLinkNatanyč · MinskPhotos: 305Condolences to all the victims and their families, not to mention the dead. The most vexing of all, that the suffering of civilians. I hope that it will end as soon as possible.22.01.2015 21:40 CESTLinkChe Boy · CherkesskPhotos: 100On tv at all channels of this report, here's chest
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Just called to say that somewhere in the region of a military college lit trolley and the driver was killed. No details yet. Sanya kingdom of heaven to you: (((
22.01.2015 CEST eight twenty-one
Akellaua · Donetsk
Photos: 2 http://www.62.ua/news/717815 1.22.2015 eight thirty-five CEST Link TORMOZZ Perm · Photos: 1286 riddled Troll, about 10 killed and 20 wounded near the mine mortar fell just next to a tram suffered 1.22.2015 9:35 CEST Link Yuriy Suprunov Artyomovsk · Photos: a place where you can see ... and the driver. It is just hard ... 1/22/2015 09:41 CEST Link ArsenZP Zaporozhye · Photos: 1 I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, the question, I guess. irrelevant in this case - but because - trolley rasfigachen, and EMU works? 22.1.2015 9:41 CEST Link IKS Minsk · Photos: 3241 · General Editor 's why at the beginning of the attack from all goes ???? How many more people must be killed, and smashed equipment? I understand that mess, but Yet, this is not the first time. Without the policy. 22/01/2015 CEST nine forty-two Link killk0 · Moscow No photos Lord ... 01.22.2015 CEST nine forty-three Link Vitaly Lunev · Donetsk No photos · City Editor Sam trolley worker injured glazing and cladding. But this is not comparable to the victims. Let the whole park rastroschat but would not take the lives of people. 01.22.2015 9:59 CEST Link Saveliy · Ufa Photos: 4 Quote (IKS, 22.1.2015): > That's why when early attack from all goes ???? How many more people must be killed, and smashed equipment? I understand that mess, but still, it's not the first time. No politics. During the Second World War, too, went to Leningrad during the blockade trams, people you have to live, such as travel. 22.01.2015 10:07 CEST Link Blue tram Makeyevka · Photos: 748 Quote (IKS, 22.01.2015): > That is why at the beginning of the attack from all goes ???? How many more people must be killed, and smashed equipment? I understand that mess, but still, this is not the first time. Without the policy. In the Leninsky district to this day it was quite peaceful life. 1/22/2015 ten nine CEST Link str Minsk · Photos: 24 Quote (Blue tram, 22/01/2015): > In the Leninsky district to this day was quite peaceful life. > What is the difference, the city was bombed, I would have gone there, even if he lived at the other end. people do not own life road 22.01.2015 CEST ten twenty-four Link Moscow Volodya · Photos: 1 Quote (IKS, 22.01.2015): > That is why at the beginning of the attack from all goes? not shoot warn about the beginning of the shelling. Do not go at all because of the war = admit defeat 22/01/2015 10:28 CEST Link Vitaly Lunev · Donetsk No photos · City Editor civilians are dying, dying friends. And I want it to stop. I feel sorry for the young driver and passengers. 22.1.2015 eleven twenty-four CEST Link Mercury · Dnepropetrovsk No photos Eighteen months ago, thought that despite all the problems, we have no war in '23. Jinx. And from where came, it was not expected. On event - all of blessed memory who died. But apparently the next position in the APU Sands, 15 km from the event. A network has been widely distributed video with prisoners cyborg and Russian journalists at the scene. 22/01/2015 eleven twenty-eight CEST Link VicSin · Saint-Petersburg Photos: 13 Plain fratricidal war in which some ordinary people are forced to kill other ordinary people. All for the sake of oligarchs lived better. (This concerns both sides) in the course of such a war is a bunch of parties receiving a profit from the war. It is so to say cynical part of it. A common human ... people need to shake these places, people feel sorry. It is clear that many have nowhere to shake, they are not wanted, so have to survive like this. 1.22.2015 11:39 CEST Link DimonS Moscow · Photos: 3 Quote (VicSin, 01/22/2015): > Normal fratricidal war in which some ordinary people are forced to kill other ordinary people. All for the sake of oligarchs lived better. (This concerns both sides) in the course of such a war is a bunch of parties receiving a profit from the war. It is so to say cynical part of it. I agree with every word. And ordinary people feel sorry for ... 1/22/2015 11:59 CEST Link IST subject No photos Quote (Vitaly Lunev, 22/01/2015): > civilians are dying, dying friends. This is the full horror ... Condolences to the families and friends of the victims and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured. 01.22.2015 16:20 CEST Link Janis Vitols Tver · Photos: 1234 Poor people! 01.22.2015 17:36 CEST Link Stanislav Savitskiy · Moscow No photos Deep, condolences to the relatives of the victims! Eternal Memory! 22.01 .2015 7:05 p.m. CEST Link Micah 71605RM · Voronezh Photos: 92 Right now look in detail about this story, I start to shake. 22/1/2015 forty-nine past seven p.m. CEST Link Kosyakin Denis · Voronezh Photos: 52 Looked story ... When will it end? ... Eternal memory to the victims ... 01/22/2015 CEST one past eight p.m. Link Murzik No photos Need help to organize the funeral. Today, during the shelling of the boss, the car burned alive Mikhail Kupriyanov. Tonight he was dead mother-in-law, went to arrange her funeral. 2 months ago, he buried his wife. There was the daughter of 17 years. The burnt-out car was money for the funeral of his grandmother. Now the girl is sitting in the house with the corpse of his grandmother, there is no money. Neighbors help than they can, but this is not enough for a funeral. Help who than can. You can help at first. Bozhenko 50. Thanks for any The card number is already find yourself a girl, ask everyone to help indifferent ... 22.01.2015 20:47 CEST Link tavalex2007 Kyiv · Photos: 11678 Quote (Kosyakin Denis, 01/22/2015): > When will it end? It is, alas, for a long time and even a very long time. Quote (Vitaly Lunev, 01/22/2015): > Sam trolley worker suffered glazing and cladding. Even lateral EMU work, according to video material. 22/1/2015 21:05 CEST Link Vityok · Kyiv No photos Looked video. .. plate ... When this is all over ... suffered any innocent people ... ((( 22/01/2015 21:32 CEST Link Natanych Minsk · Photos: 305 condolences to all the victims and their families, not to mention already the victims. Most offensive of all, that civilians are suffering ... I hope that it will end as soon as possible. 22/01/2015 21:40 CEST Link Che Boy Cherkessk · Photos: 100 on TV on all channels of this report, that the honor

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
Only that he was told that where the military academy in the area is lit trolley, and the driver was killed. Details are not yet available. Санек thou God Heaven : (((
01.22.2015 08:21 am CEST
Akellаuа · | Rouen
Photos: 2lord http://www.62.uа/news/717815
22.01.2015 08:35 am CEST
· TORMOZZ - Proposal
Photos: 1286lord Изрешетило troll, about 10 people have been killed, 20 wounded, next to mortar shells fell, the same tram next to hit
01.22.2015 09:35 am CEST
Warning: All rights to these materials Suprunоv · whole unusualness
Photos: 404th lord http://vk.соm/videо-67392358_171099644?z=videо-67392358_171099644%2Fсlub67392358%2Cаlbum-67392358

Video from space ... there can be seen and the driver.lord this is simply packed ...
01.22.2015 09:41 am CEST
ArsenZP · Zаpоrоzhye
Photos: 1lord sorry, Lord, the question, I think. inappropriate in this case, but as so - trolley расфигачен, and emus work?
01.22.2015 09:41 am CEST
· Action-TV (Akado
Photos: 3241 · General Editor

this is the reason why the early firing from travels in a square pulse signal from How many more must be killed people and ransacked technology? I understand that, put it mildly, but still, this is not the first case. Without policies.
01.22.2015 09:42 am CEST
Killk0 · Moscow
No phоtоs

Господи ...
01.22.2015 09:43 am CEST
Vitaly quotations · | Rouen
No photos · City Editor

the trolley service, suffered glazing and upholstery. But this is not comparable with the victims.Let the entire park растрощат but only would not take away life.
01.22.2015 09:59 am CEST
sаveliy · scale productions
Photos: 4lord Quote (-TV (Akado, 01.22.2015 ) :
> That is why when the early firing from a square pulse signal from travels at allHow many more must be killed people and ransacked technology? I understand that, put it mildly, but still, this is not the first case. Without policies.lord during the WSV in Leningrad also travelled tram during the blockade, to live it must be,As the move.
01.22.2015 10:07 am CEST
Blue tram · Mаkeyevkа
Photos: 748lord Quote (-TV (Akado, 01.22.2015 ) :
> This is the reason why the early firing from travels in a square pulse signal from How many more must be killed people and ransacked technology? I understand that put it mildly,But still, this is not the first case. Without policies.Lord in the Leninsky district prior to this agenda was quite peaceful life.
01.22.2015 10:09 am CEST
str · Action
Photos: 24lord Quote (Blue tram, 01.22.2015 ) :
> in the Leninsky district prior to this agenda was quite peaceful life.
> Lord what is the difference, the city sent trudging, I would be left with it even if you have lived at the other end of it. people do not own the road life
01.22.2015 10:24 am CEST
Volodya · Moscow
Photos: 1lord Quote (-TV (Akado, 01.22.2015 ) :
> This is the reason why the early firing of all travels?

Fired did not warn of the shelling. Not to travel at all because of the war = acknowledge its defeat
01.22.2015 10:28 am CEST
Vitaly quotations · | Rouen
No photos · City Editor

being killed, dying friends. And you don't want to halt.I am a young driver and passengers.
01.22.2015 11:24 am CEST
Mercury · Dneprоpetrоvsk
No photos

a year and a half ago I thought that, in spite of all the problems, we have 23 years, there is no war. Сглазил. And, from there, from where found, its no one expected.
For the event - bright memory to all those who lost their lives. But it seemed to be the next position in the APUS sands, in 15 km from event. The network has already been widely distributed roller with imperfectly киборгом and journalists at the event location.
22.01.2015 11:28 AM CEST
ViсSin · victory
Photos: 13lord plain fratricidal war, in which some ordinary people forced to kill other people. All in order to disapprove bleaker even better.(This is on both sides as to the) naturally when such a war is lots of parties, receiving from the war their profit. This is so to say cynical part.lord and distant places ... people need to Putin: Leonid Danilovich of these places, people pity. It is understandable,That many Putin: Leonid Danilovich simply have nowhere, they do not need, therefore, are forced to endure this is so.
01.22.2015 11:39 am CEST
DimоnS · Moscow
Photos: 3lord Quote (ViсSin, 01.22.2015 ) :
> plain fratricidal war,In which some ordinary people forced to kill other people. All in order to disapprove bleaker even better. (This is on both sides as to the) naturally when such a war is lots of parties,Receiving from the war their profit. This is so to say cynical part.
agree with each word. A simple people tired ...
01.22.2015 11:59 am CEST
spontaneous САБЖЕЙ
No photos

Quote (Vitaly Tuesday, 01.22.2015 ) :
> being killed, killed friends.

In this, there are the horror ...
Sympathies - friends and loved ones of those who lost their lives and I wish a speedy recovery to affected.
01.22.2015 4:20 PM CEST
Janis " Short Circuit " · Tver
Photos: 1234lord poor people!
01.22.2015 5:36 PM CEST
: Sаvitskiy · Moscow
No photos

deep,Condolences to friends and loved ones of those who lost their lives!
Eternal memory!
01.22.2015 7:05 PM CEST
Micha 71605PM · Vоrоnezh
Photos: 92lord Щас look in detail the story of this, I am shaking the beginning.
01.22.2015 7:49 PM CEST
Косякин Denis · Vоrоnezh
Photos: 52lord looked the scene ...When they do, it кончится? ... Eternal memory had died ...
01.22.2015 8:01 PM CEST
Functioning sales directions:
No photos

need assistance for the funeral. Today in the shelling of an immigrant from Germany, in the machine burned alive Heâ Mikhail. Today at night he died mother,Riding for the organization of its burial. 2 Months ago buried by his wife. Her daughter 17 years old. In burned car was the money at the funeral grandmother. Now a girl is sitting in the house with the sati its grandmother, there is no money.Neighbors help than can, but this is not enough for burial. Help those who than can. You can help at: fr. Decision regarding construction 50. Thank you for any assistance.


P.S.The number of card is already themselves learn from girls, may I request all the readers launched to help ...
01.22.2015 8:47 PM CEST
tаvаlex2007 · chosen exhibition
Photos: 11678lord Quote (Косякин Denis, 01.22.2015 ) :
> When same is a scientist?lord this is, alas, long-lasting and even very long.

Quote (Vitaly Tuesday, 01.22.2015 ) :
> The trolley service, suffered glazing and upholstery.Lord even lateral emus worked, judging from the backstory.
01.22.2015 9:05 PM CEST
Vityоk · chosen exhibition
No photos

I saw video ... Sheet Metal ...When this is all finished ... Have been affected by the loss of innocent lives ... (((
01.22.2015 9:32 PM CEST
Натаныч · Action
Photos: 305 Lord condolences to all the victims and their families, not to mention the dead. The Обиднее,That affected civilians ... I hope that this will end as soon as possible.
01.22.2015 9:40 PM CEST
Che Batesville · Cherkessk
Photos: 100lord on TV in all the channels this road show, here's chest
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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