Гарантийный срок 12 (двенадцать) месяцев для отремонтированного или замененного элемента должны рассчитывать с даты ремонта или замены. Это справедливо для тех случаев, когда оборудование не могут работать из-за неисправного элемента
A warranty period of 12 (twelve) months for repaired or replaced item should count from the date of repair or replacement. This is true for those cases When equipment could not work because of a faulty element
The warranty period of twelve (12) months for the repaired or replaced item should count from the date of repair or replacement. This is true for those cases where equipment can not work due to a faulty item
The warranty period 12 (twelve) months for repaired or replaced element should be able to count on the date repair or replacement. This is also true for those cases,When the equipment is not able to work due to a faulty element