Сразу скажем, что эрогенные зоны Тельца на теле - это горло и шея. Одн 번역 - Сразу скажем, что эрогенные зоны Тельца на теле - это горло и шея. Одн 영어 말하는 방법

Сразу скажем, что эрогенные зоны Те

Сразу скажем, что эрогенные зоны Тельца на теле - это горло и шея. Однако партнерам Тельцов стоит учитывать то, что как мужчины, так и женщины данного знака не только нуждаются в стимуляции их чувствительных зон. ЭРОГЕННЫЕ ЗОНЫ ТЕЛЬЦА - ГДЕ? Первостепенное значение для них имеет сам тактильный контакт. Поэтому они просто не представляют счастливой жизни без телесного контакта с любимым человеком и без его прикосновений. Связано это с тем, что именно прикосновения являются для Тельцов основным языком любви, поэтому при отсутствии физических прикосновений могут не ощущать себя любимыми. В то время как при частом тактильном контакте их эмоциональный сосуд полон и они чувствуют себя в безопасности, окруженные любовью предмета своих воздыханий. Партнеры должны всегда об этом помнить и как можно чаще поглаживать, ласкать и целовать своего любимого Тельца. Как уже говорилось выше, основными эрогенными зонами для тех, кто родился под знаком Тельца, будут шея, зона за ушами и немного ниже ушей, область ключицы. Очень чувствительна к поцелуям и поглаживаниям и задняя сторона шеи, начиная от границы волос и до перехода между плечами и спиной. Поэтому именно эти части тела можно назвать основной «мишенью» для их партнеров. Если вы хотите доставить своему Тельцу удовольствие – начните нежно поглаживать пальцами его затылок, постепенно переходя к шее. При этом не стоит оставлять без внимания углубление шеи. Чувствуя частоту пульса, вы сможете с легкостью определить, насколько вы преуспеваете в возбуждении своей второй половинки. После этого можно перейти и к ласковым поцелуям. Однако стоит учитывать то, что не желательно трогать шею Тельца ногтями, так как вместо ожидаемого возбуждения у него может возникнуть одно лишь ощущение щекотки. Поэтому ласки в этой области следует осуществлять ладонью или подушечками пальцев. Не стоит пренебрегать и «случайными» прикосновениями, ведь возможности для их осуществления просто бесконечны. Так, к примеру, мужчине Тельцу его половинка может поправить галстук или воротник рубашки, не забывая при этом прикосновений к открытой части шеи. Немало есть возможностей и для прикосновений к женской шее. Например, прикасаясь к этой чувственной зоне можно поправить цепочку или ожерелье. Также, если позволяет место и обстоятельство, любой как женщины, так и мужчины Тельцы вряд ли будут против массажа плеч шеи, который потом может плавно перейти в эротический массаж. Это будет очень даже уместным, чтобы расслабиться перед любовной игрой. КАК ВОЗДЕЙСТВОВАТЬ НА ЭРОГЕННЫЕ ЗОНЫ ТЕЛЬЦА Чувствительная область Тельца – горло и шея. Начните легкие поглаживания пальцами и ласковые прикосновения у основания головы, затем шеи, после чего перейдите к поцелуям шеи, и Телец скоро почувствует возбуждение. Возможности для «случайных» прикосновений такого рода бесконечны. Например, поправляя галстук мужчине‑Тельцу, вы можете ласкать горло или слегка скользить по нему вашими ногтями. Вы будете удивлены его быстрой реакции. На пляже легкое прикосновение к обнаженной женской шее или стряхивание песка с нее заставят женщину‑Тельца трепетать от удовольствия. Особенно воспламеняют Тельца страстные поцелуи и легкие любящие укусы задней стороны шеи. Но помните: Тельцу нравится, чтобы все происходило спокойно и медленно, ваш подход должен быть тщательно подготовлен, не старайтесь форсировать события. Скопировано с сайта
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Immediately say that the Taurus erogenous zones on the body is neck and neck. However, Taurus partners consider that both men and women this sign is not only needed to stimulate their sensitive areas. EROGENOUS ZONE-WHERE? Paramount to them has himself tactile contact. So they just don't represent a happy life without body contact with a loved one and without his touches. This is due to the fact that it is touching the Calves are the primary language of love, therefore, in the absence of physical touch can not feel loved. While frequent tactile contact their emotional receptacle is full and they feel secure, surrounded by the love of the subject matter of their vozdyhanij. Partners should always remember and as often as possible, stroking, caressing and kissing his favorite Taurus. As mentioned above, the main èrogennymi zones for those born under the sign of Taurus, will neck, the area behind the ears and slightly below the ears, clavicle area. Very sensitive to kisses and poglaživaniâm and the back side of the neck, starting from the edge of the hair and to the transition between the shoulders and back. So it is these parts of the body can be called the main "target" for their partners. If you want to deliver to his Calf, stroking gently start fun fingered his neck, gradually turning to the neck. It is not necessary to neglect the deepening of the neck. Feeling the pulse rate, you can easily determine whether you succeed in bringing its second halves. You can then go and affectionate kisses. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not advisable to touch the neck of Taurus nails, because instead of the expected excitement may occur one only feeling of tickling. So affection in this area should be carried out with the Palm or fingertips. Do not neglect and "random" touches, because the possibilities for their implementation are simply endless. So, for example, a man may half his Calf to straighten the tie or shirt collar, not forgetting the touch to open part of the neck. There are a lot of opportunities and for touching the woman's neck. For example, touching this the sensual zone can improve a chain or necklace. Also, if space allows, and circumstance, any women as well as men Taureans are unlikely to be against the shoulder massage of the neck, which can then seamlessly switch to erotic massage. It will be very even appropriate to relax in front of the love of the game. BOTH AFFECT the TAURUS EROGENOUS ZONES active area of Taurus-throat and neck. Start light stroking fingers and affectionate touching at the base of the head, then neck, then navigate to the kissing of the neck, and Taurus will soon feel the excitement. Opportunities for "random" touches of this kind are endless. For example, adjusting his tie, mužčine‑Tel′cu you can caress your throat or lightly glide over it with your fingernails. You will be surprised by his quick reactions. A light touch on the beach for nude female neck or shaking off the sand with it will make ženŝinu‑Tel′ca tremble with pleasure. Especially ignite Taurus passionate kissing and light loving bites back side of the neck. But remember: Calf like that all took place calmly and slowly, your approach should be carefully prepared, do not try to force events. Copied from the website
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Just say that Taurus erogenous zones on the body - this is the throat and neck. However, Taurus partners should take into account the fact that both men and women of this sign is not only in need of stimulation of sensitive areas. Erogenous zones TAURUS - WHERE? Of paramount importance for them is very tactile contact. So they simply do not represent a happy life without physical contact with a loved one and without his touch. This is due to the fact that it is touching the bulls is the main language for love, so in the absence of physical touch may not feel loved. While the frequent tactile contact their emotional tank is full and they feel safe, surrounded by love, the object of his yearnings. Partners should always remember this as often as possible to stroke, caress and kiss his beloved Taurus. As mentioned above, the main erogenous zones for those born under the sign of Taurus, will be neck area behind the ears and slightly below the ear, the area of ​​the clavicle. Very sensitive to kissing and stroking and back of the neck, from the frontiers of the hair and to the transition between the shoulders and back. Therefore these parts of the body can be called the main "target" for their partners. If you want to deliver your Taurus fun - start gently stroking the back of his head with your fingers, gradually moving to the neck. We should not ignore the deepening of the neck. Feeling your heart rate, you can easily determine whether you succeed to initiate its second half. After that you can go to a gentle kiss. However, we should bear in mind that is not advisable to touch the neck of Taurus nails, because instead of the expected excitement he may be mere tickling sensation. Therefore affection in this area should be carried out hand or fingertips. Do not neglect and "accidentally" touch, because the possibilities for their implementation are simply endless. So, for example, the Taurus man can improve his half tie or shirt collar, not forgetting touching the exposed part of the neck. Quite a few have opportunities for touching the woman's neck. For example, touching this area can improve the sensory chain or necklace. Also, if space permits, and circumstance, any both women and men Taurus unlikely to be against shoulder massage of the neck, which can then move smoothly into the erotic massage. This will be very relevant to relax before the game of love. How to influence the erogenous zones TAURUS Taurus sensitive area - the throat and neck. Start light and gentle strokes with your fingers touch the base of the head, then the neck, then proceed to kiss neck, and Taurus will soon feel the excitement. Opportunities for "accidental" touching of this kind are endless. For example, a man adjusting his tie, Taurus, you can caress the throat or gently glide over it with your fingernails. You will be surprised by its fast response. On the beach a light touch to the naked female neck, or shaking off the sand to make it a female Taurus to tremble with pleasure. Especially ignite Taurus kisses and loving light bites back of the neck. But remember: Taurus like that all happened quietly and slowly, your approach must be carefully prepared, do not try to force things. Copied from the site
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
just say the erogenous zones of the calf on the body's throat and neck. however, partners тельцов should take into account that both men and women of the plate not only need to stimulate their sensitive zones.the erogenous zones of calf - where? of paramount importance to them is itself a tactile contact. however, they just do not represent a happy life without physical contact with the beloved person and without touching.that is because it is the main language of love тельцов touch are, therefore, in the absence of physical contact may not feel loved.while the frequency of тактильном contact their emotional receptacle is full and they feel safe, surrounded by the love of their воздыханий.partners must always remember that, as often as possible stroke, fondle and kiss his beloved calf. as mentioned above, the main эрогенными zones for those born under the sign of taurus, neckarea behind the ears and a little below the ears, the area of the throat. very sensitive to kissing and поглаживаниям and posterior side of the neck, starting from the border of hair and to the transition between the shoulders and the back.hence, these parts can be called the "мишенью» for their partners. if you want to get your fingers gently caressing his pleasure is at the back of his head, gradually turning to the neck.it should not be ignored and the neck. feeling the pulse, you can easily determine how you are getting on in instituting its second half.after that, you can go to a gentle kiss. however, should take into account that you're not supposed to touch the neck (instead of the expected excitation nails, as he may be a tickling sensation.therefore, tenderness in this area should be to palm or with her fingertips. don't neglect "and" случайными» touches, the possibilities for their implementation is endless. so, for example,a man took his half can fix the tie or collar shirt, not forgetting the touching to the open part of the neck. there are many opportunities for touching women's neck. for example,touching this sensual zone can fix a chain or necklace. also, if space permits, and any circumstance, both female and male taurus men are unlikely to massage the shoulder neckwho then can smoothly move in the erotic massage. it would be very appropriate to relax in front of the love game.how to influence the erogenous zones of calf calf sensitive area is the throat and neck. start light strokes fingers and gently touch the bottom of the head and neckthen go to kissing her neck, and it could soon feel the excitement. the possibilities for "случайных» touching such endless. for example, поправляя tie мужчине‑тельцу,you can stroke the throat or a grip on your fingernails. you'll be surprised by his quick reactions.on the beach a light touch to the naked female neck or стряхивание sand with her will make женщину‑тельца tremble with joy.especially воспламеняют calf passionate kisses and light love bites the back of the neck. but remember: calf like things to go slow and calm your approach should be carefully prepared.don't try to force things. copied from the site
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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