Как прибрано! Если бы не оборванная реклама и КС - мирное время.
28.03.2015 17:16 CEST
Coper · Russia Arkhangelsk
Photos: 37
А владельцы щитов не пытаются свою собственность в порядок привести?
28.03.2015 17:42 CEST
Матяс Владимир · Ukraine Kharkov
Photos: 165 · Screener of Creative Photos
Зачем и для кого? И какие владельцы? Половина владельцев уже в Харькове живут.
> Как прибрано! Если бы не оборванная реклама и КС - мирное время.
А там и мусорить особо некому.
28.03.2015 20:21 CEST
Дима Ягодкин
Photos: 1740
Цитата (Матяс Владимир, 28.03.2015):
> > Как прибрано! Если бы не оборванная реклама и КС - мирное время.
> А там и мусорить особо некому.
Могу поспорить.
28.03.2015 21:55 CEST
igoraj · Ukraine Kyiv
Photos: 2
А разметка на дороге новая? Блин, даже у нас в Киеве еще за разметку никто не брался, ее просто НЕТ на многих улицах, сошла со снегом...(
28.03.2015 22:03 CEST
Матяс Владимир · Ukraine Kharkov
Photos: 165 · Screener of Creative Photos
Цитата (Дима Ягодкин, 28.03.2015):
> Могу поспорить.
И я могу. Сравнить какой там траффик был раньше, и какой теперь. Где мусору браться? Даже на фото видно, сколько людей на улице.
28.03.2015 22:25 CEST
Coper · Russia Arkhangelsk
Photos: 37
Цитата (Матяс Владимир, 29.03.2015):
> И я могу. Сравнить какой там траффик был раньше, и какой теперь. Где мусору браться? Даже на фото видно, сколько людей на улице.
На секунду, мусор это не только фантики от конфет и окурки, но и облетевшая листва, почки с деревьев, грязь которую дождями на проежую часть смывает, а уже этого добра судя по снимкам в Донецке хватает.
28.03.2015 22:28 CEST
Матяс Владимир · Ukraine Kharkov
Photos: 165 · Screener of Creative Photos
А, если имелось в виду это - то конечно, да, абсолютно согласен!
29.03.2015 10:34 CEST
Колобок · Russia Nizhniy Novgorod
Photos: 211
Но ведь многим известно, что Донецк всегда был очень ухоженным и чистым.
29.03.2015 10:35 CEST
Владимир Рар · Ukraine Kyiv
Photos: 51
Цитата (Колобок, 29.03.2015):
> Но ведь многим известно, что Донецк всегда был очень ухоженным и чистым.
...в центре
29.03.2015 14:39 CEST
Михаил Барашков · Ukraine Sevastopol
No photos
По сравнению с Киевом - просто очень ухоженным и чистым. Всегда.
29.03.2015 16:29 CEST
Mitya Bolotskiy · Russia Moscow
Photos: 46
Цитата (Владимир Рар, 29.03.2015):
> Цитата (Колобок, 29.03.2015):
> > Но ведь многим известно, что Донецк всегда был очень ухоженным и чистым.
> ...в центре
на данной фотографии далеко не центр, это окраина города и прифронтовой район, и тем не менее на фотографии видна работа пылесоса что уже радует
29.03.2015 16:43 CEST
ASP · Ukraine Donetsk
No photos
Тем, кто считает, что Донецк стал чистым за счет только лишь меньшего кол-ва людей. На улицах в будни людей, ну может, чуть меньше, чем раньше. Зато исправно работают службы, ответственные за уборку улиц. А если бросить мусор где-то в неположенном месте, можно и в табло схлопотать. И это очень правильно. Поуезжала также "золотая молодежь", которая по вечерам гуляла по улицам с пивом, сигаретами и срала (извините) этими предметами там, где жрала.
29.03.2015 18:38 CEST
Дима Ягодкин
Photos: 1740
Если бы тут не убирали, тут было бы нечто подобное этому http://transphoto.ru/photo/787639/ и количество людей проживающих именно тут, не имеет значения.
29.03.2015 20:55 CEST
Akellaua · Ukraine Donetsk
Photos: 2
На центральных улицах убирают быстро и хорошо. В этом сегодня убедился. После сильного ветра вся дорога была усеяна всяким мусором, но ребята выйдя на улицу управились всего за несколько часов и это не смотря на дождь и сильный ветер.
As tidied! If not for the tattered advertisement and COP-times of peace.28.03.2015 17:16 CESTLinkCoper · Russia ArkhangelskPhotos: 37But owners of boards does not try to own property in order to bring?28.03.2015 17:42 CESTLinkMatâs Vladimir · Ukraine KharkovPhotos: 165 · Screener of Creative PhotosWhy and for whom? And what owners? Half the owners already live in Kharkov.> As tidied! If not for the tattered advertisement and COP-times of peace.And there and litter especially.28.03.2015 20:21 CESTLinkDima YagodkinPhotos: 1740Quote (Vladimir Matâs, 28.03.2015):> > As tidied! If not for the tattered advertisement and COP-times of peace.> > And there and litter especially.Can bet.28.03.2015 21:55 CESTLinkigoraj · Ukraine KyivPhotos: 2And the markup on the new road? Damn, even we in Kiev for markup nobody is taken, its just NOT on many streets, went off with snow. (28.03.2015 22:03 CESTLinkMatâs Vladimir · Ukraine KharkovPhotos: 165 · Screener of Creative PhotosQuote (Dima yagodkin, 28.03.2015):> I bet.And I can. Compare what traffic there once was and what it is now. Where debris taken? Even in the photo you can see how many people on the street.28.03.2015 22:25 CESTLinkCoper · Russia ArkhangelskPhotos: 37Quote (Vladimir Matâs, 29.03.2015):> And I can. Compare what traffic there once was and what it is now. Where debris taken? Even in the photo you can see how many people on the street.For a second, the trash is not just candy wrappers from candy and cigarette butts, but obletevšaâ foliage, buds from trees, dirt that rains on proežuû part washes away, and already this good judging from pictures in Donetsk missing.28.03.2015 22:28 CESTLinkMatâs Vladimir · Ukraine KharkovPhotos: 165 · Screener of Creative PhotosAnd if this was something of course, Yes, totally agree!29.03.2015 10:34 CESTLinkKolobok · Russia, Nizhniy NovgorodPhotos: 211But many know that Donetsk has always been very well-maintained and clean.29.03.2015 10:35 CESTLinkVladimir Rar · Ukraine KyivPhotos: 51Quote (Dot, 29.03.2015):> But many know that Donetsk has always been very well-maintained and clean.... in the heart of29.03.2015 14:39 CESTLinkMikhail Barashkov · Ukraine SevastopolNo photosCompared with Kyiv-just very well-kept and clean. Always.29.03.2015 16:29 CESTLinkMitya Bolotskiy · Russia MoscowPhotos: 46Quote (Vladimir RAR, 29.03.2015):> Quote (Kolobok, 29.03.2015):> > But many know that Donetsk has always been very well-maintained and clean.> > ... in the heart ofThis photograph is far from the Centre, this city outskirts and frontal area, and yet the pictures visible work a vacuum cleaner that already pleases29.03.2015 16:43 CESTLinkASP · Ukraine DonetskNo photosThose who believe that Donetsk became clean through only a smaller number of people. On the streets during weekdays people, well maybe a little less than before. But properly working service, responsible for cleaning the streets. And if you throw trash somewhere in the wrong place, you can get a scoreboard. And it is very correct. Pouezžala also "Golden youth", which in the evenings walked on the streets with beer, cigarettes and srala (sorry) those items where the purpose.29.03.2015 18:38 CESTLinkDima YagodkinPhotos: 1740If it's not cleaned up, there would be something like this http://transphoto.ru/photo/787639/and the number of people living here, it doesn't matter.29.03.2015 20:55 CESTLinkAkellaua · Ukraine DonetskPhotos: 2On main streets cleaned quickly and well. This today is satisfied. After strong winds all the way was studded with all sorts of debris, but the guys out on the street, isn't it just a few hours and this is despite rain and strong wind.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

How tidy! If it is not broken and advertising KS - peacetime.
28.03.2015 17:16 CEST
Coper · Russia Arkhangelsk
Photos: 37 The owners do not try to shield their property in order to bring? 28.03.2015 17:42 CEST Link Matyas Vladimir · Ukraine Kharkov Photos: 165 · Screener of Creative Photos Why and for whom? And what are the owners? Half of the owners already live in Kharkov.> How do I tidied up! If it is not broken and advertising KS - peace. And there, and there is no one particular litter. 28.03.2015 20:21 CEST Link Dima Yagodkin Photos: 1740 Quote (Matyas Vladimir, 03/28/2015):>> How tidy! If it is not broken and advertising KS - peacetime.>> And there, and there is no one particular litter. I bet. 28.03.2015 21:55 CEST Link igoraj · Ukraine Kyiv Photos: 2 A new markings on the road? Damn, even here in Kiev, even for marking no one was taken, it is not there on many streets, went with the snow ... (28.03.2015 22:03 CEST Link Matyas Vladimir Kharkov Ukraine · Photos: 165 · Screener of Creative Photos Quote (Dima Yagodkin, 03/28/2015):> I bet. And I can. Compare what's the traffic was before, and what is now. Where litter brother? Even on the photo you can see how many people are on the street. 03/28/2015 22:25 CEST Link · Russia Arkhangelsk Coper Photos: 37 Quote (Matyas Vladimir, 03/29/2015):> I can. Compare what's the traffic was before, and what is now. Where litter brother? Even the photo shows how many people in the street. In the second, garbage is not only candy wrappers and cigarette butts, but Leafless foliage, buds from the trees, the dirt that the rain washes off on proezhuyu part, and already this good judging by the pictures in Donetsk enough. 28.03.2015 22:28 CEST Link Matyas Vladimir · Ukraine Kharkov Photos: 165 · Screener of Creative Photos And if it meant - then of course, yes, absolutely agree! 29.03.2015 10:34 CEST Link Gingerbread Nizhniy Novgorod Russia · Photos: 211 But many people know that Donetsk has always been very well-kept and clean. 29/03/2015 10:35 CEST Link Vladimir Rahr Ukraine Kyiv · Photos: 51 Quote (Gingerbread, 03/29/2015):> But many know that Donetsk has always been very well maintained and clean. ... in the center 14:39 CEST 29.03.2015 Link Mikhail Sevastopol Ukraine Barashkov · No photos compared with Kiev - a very well-kept and clean. Always. 03/29/2015 16:29 CEST Link Mitya Bolotskiy · Russia Moscow Photos: 46 Quote (Vladimir Rahr, 03/29/2015):> Quote (Gingerbread, 03/29/2015):>> But many know that Donetsk has always been very well-kept and clean.>> ... in the middle in this picture is far from the center of this suburb of the city and the frontal area, and yet the work is visible in the photo of a vacuum cleaner that is happy 29.03.2015 16:43 CEST Link ASP Ukraine · Donetsk No photos Those who believe that Donetsk has become clear only at the expense of the smaller count of people. On the streets during the week people, well, maybe a little less than before. But properly operate services responsible for street cleaning. And if you throw garbage somewhere in the wrong place, and you can display shlopotat. And it's very true. Pouezzhala as "golden youth", which in the evenings walking the streets with beer, cigarettes and shit (sorry) these items where guzzled. 29.03.2015 18:38 CEST Link Dima Yagodkin Photos: 1740 If there are not cleaned, there was would be something like this http://transphoto.ru/photo/787639/ and the number of people living here it does not matter. 29.03.2015 20:55 CEST Link Akellaua Ukraine · Donetsk Photos: 2 On the central streets are cleaned quickly and well. In today convinced. After a strong wind all the way was littered with garbage, but the guys coped out into the streets in a few hours, and this is despite the rain and strong winds.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

As прибрано! If I did not chafing ... advertising and the COP - the peaceful time.
03.28.2015 5:16 PM CEST
Cоper · Russia Arkhаngelsk
Photos: 37lord shields and owners are not trying to their property in order to bring?
03.28.2015 5:42 PM CEST
Матяс Vladimir · Ukraine Mazatlan
photos:165 · Screener of creative photos
why and for whom? And what are the owners? Half owners already in the Kharkiv live.lord > As прибрано! If not chafing ... advertising and the COP - the peaceful time.lord and there and there is no one particular мусорить.
03.28.2015 8:21 PM CEST
Dima Ягодкин
Photos: 1,740 lord Quote (Матяс Vladimir, 03.28.2015 ) :
> > As прибрано! If I did not chafing ... advertising and the COP - the peaceful time.
> as well and there was no мусорить.lord i bet.
03.28.2015 9:55 PM CEST
igоrаj · Ukraine exhibition area
Photos: 2
And markings on the road the new? Pancakes every time, even though we are in Kiev is the layout no one without an interpreter, it is simply not on many streets, slept with snow ... (
03.28.2015 10:03 PM CEST
Матяс Vladimir · Ukraine Mazatlan
Photos: 165 · Screener of creative photos
Quote (Dima Ягодкин,03.28.2015 ) :
> i bet.lord and I can. Compare what traffic there was in the past, and what it is now. Where debris based on? Even in the photo can be seen, how many people on the street.
03.28.2015 10:25 PM CEST
Cоper · Russia Arkhаngelsk
Photos: 37lord Quote (Матяс Vladimir, 03.29.2015 ) :
> AND i can. Compare what traffic there was in the past, and what it is now. Where debris based on? Even in the photo can be seen, how many people on the street.The second lord, debris is not only фантики from chocolate and butts, but on foliage,The kidneys with trees, dirt that rain on the проежую part of washes away, and already the good judging from the pictures in the Donetsk enough.
03.28.2015 10:28 PM CEST
Матяс Vladimir · Ukraine Mazatlan
Photos: 165 · Screener of creative photos
A,If there was a view that is of course, yes, it is absolutely agree!
03.29.2015 10:34 am CEST
neededâ"· Russia Nizhniy Nоvgоrоd
Photos: 211Lord but many are aware that Donetsk has always been a very well kept and clean.
03.29.2015 10:35 am CEST
Vladimir Pap · Ukraine exhibition area
photos:51Lord Quote (neededâ", 03.29.2015 ) :
> but many are aware that Donetsk has always been very well maintained and чистым.
... in the center
03.29.2015 2:39 PM CEST
Mikhail containing an inscription · Ukraine Sevаstоpоl
No photos
compared to Kiev - a very well maintained and clean.Always.
03.29.2015 4:29 PM CEST
Mityа Bоlоtskiy · Russia Moscow
Photos: 46lord Quote (Vladimir Pap, 03.29.2015 ) :
> Quote (neededâ", 03.29.2015 ) :
> > but many are aware that Donetsk has always been a very well kept and clean.
> ... in the center more multitasking performance
In this photo is far from the center, this suburb of town and nursed wounded soldiers the area, and it is not less than in the photo is visible the vacuum cleaner that is already pleased
03.29.2015 4:43 PM CEST
ASP · Ukraine | Rouen
No photos
to those who believed,The Donetsk has become clean by only a smaller number of Wa people. On the streets during the week people, Mr. may, a little less than before. There are operating correctly service, responsible for street cleaning.And if to throw debris where the tickets, and the display can be connected. And this is a very correctly. Поуезжала also "golden youth", which in the evening rode through the streets with beer,Cigarettes And срала (sorry) these objects, where жрала.
03.29.2015 6:38 PM CEST
Dima Ягодкин
Photos: 1,740 lord if there is not tidied up, there would be something such as this http://trаnsphоtо.ru/phоtо/787639/ and the number of people living in our time,Does not have a value.
03.29.2015 8:55 PM CEST
Akellаuа · Ukraine | Rouen
Photos: 2Lord on the central streets serviced quickly and well. In this today has ascertained. After a strong wind all the road was strewn with debris Christ,But the kids exiting the street управились in just a few hours and this is not looking at the rain and strong wind.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..