Современное общество живет в мире постоянного умножения потока информации, которая каждые несколько лет практически удваивается. Не утонуть в этом информационном море а, точно ориентируясь, решать практические задачи человеку помогают информационные технологии.
Актуальность темы информатизации для современного общества подчеркивается вниманием к данной теме на самом высоком уровне. В последние годы Правительством Российской Федерации принят ряд государственных документов, касающихся информационных технологий [6, 9, 10, 11]. В «Стратегии развития отрасли информационных технологий в Российской Федерации на 2014-2020 годы и на перспективу до 2025 года» отмечается, что «с каждым годом информационные технологии открывают все более широкие перспективы для повышения эффективности бизнеса и качества жизни граждан» [11].
Modern society is living in a world of constant multiplication of information flow, which almost doubles every few years. Do not drown in this sea of information and accurately focusing, solve practical tasks a person can help information technology.Relevance to modern society informatization emphasizes attention to the topic at the highest level. In recent years, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a number of government documents related to information technology [6, 9, 10, 11]. In the "strategy for the development of information technology industry in the Russian Federation on the 2014-2020 years and up to the year 2025," notes that "with every year of information technologies provide all opportunities for improving business efficiency and quality of life of citizens" [11].
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
Modern society lives in a world of constant multiplication of the flow of information that every few years, virtually doubled. Do not drown in this sea of information and, as if guided, to solve practical problems people help information technology.
Topicality Information for modern society emphasizes attention to this topic at the highest level. In recent years, the Russian Government adopted a number of government documents relating to information technology [6, 9, 10, 11]. The "Strategy for the development of the information technology industry in the Russian Federation for 2014-2020 and until 2025" states that "each year information technology are opening wider prospects for improving business efficiency and quality of life of citizens" [11].
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
modern society lives in a world of constant multiplication of information flow, which every few years almost doubled. don't drown in the sea of information and accurate focusingto solve practical problems to help information technology.
the relevance of information in modern society emphasizes the attention to this topic at the highest level.in recent years, the government of the russian federation introduced a number of government documents relating to information technology [6, 9, 10, 11].in the "strategy for the development of the information technology industry in the russian federation for the years 2020 and beyond up to the year 2025 notes"every year, information technology has opened up broader prospects for improving business efficiency and the quality of life of citizens" [11].
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..