Спасибо за ответ Это интересно, что вы учитесь быть адвокатом Мне нравится спорт, тоже особенно мяч игры, как баскетбол... Я также люблю музыку и играть на музыкальных инструментах
Thanks for the replyIt's interesting that you learn to be a lawyerI like sports, too, especially ball games like basketball...I also love music and play musical instrumentsHere is my short guitar for you ↓
Thanks for the reply It is interesting , that you learn to be a lawyer I like sports , too, especially ball games , like basketball ... I also love music and play musical instruments
thank you for your replyit's interesting that you learn to be a lawyeri like sports, especially ball games, like basketball.i also love music and play musical instrumentshere's my short guitar for you ↓