Спасибо! И Вас, дончан, с Наступающим!!! Мира, добра и благополучия! Х 번역 - Спасибо! И Вас, дончан, с Наступающим!!! Мира, добра и благополучия! Х 영어 말하는 방법

Спасибо! И Вас, дончан, с Наступающ

Спасибо! И Вас, дончан, с Наступающим!!! Мира, добра и благополучия! Храни Вас Господь!
20.12.2014 05:39 CEST
Adskii_Krendel · Ukraine Kharkov
No photos

Насколько я помню, это центральная площадь?
А что ж ёлочка то такая скудная?
20.12.2014 07:31 CEST
Aztec · Russia Murmansk
Photos: 2101

Купите больше, привезите и установите))
20.12.2014 07:59 CEST
Adskii_Krendel · Ukraine Kharkov
No photos

Цитата (Aztec, 20.12.2014):
> Купите больше, привезите и установите))

не думаю, что это моя забота)
20.12.2014 08:30 CEST
Михаил Барашков · Ukraine Sevastopol
No photos

Для города, находящегося на линии фронта - отличная ёлка.
20.12.2014 09:41 CEST
М-95 · Russia Nizhniy Novgorod
No photos

Цитата (Adskii_Krendel, 20.12.2014):
> А что ж ёлочка то такая скудная?

Как говорится:"Скромно,но со вкусом".
20.12.2014 10:44 CEST
fanat22 · Ukraine Nikolaev
Photos: 42

мирного неба и счастливого Нового Года!
20.12.2014 11:53 CEST
Лева · Ukraine Donetsk
No photos

Что сейчас с неработающими Лазами?:-)
20.12.2014 12:32 CEST
Santehnik · Ukraine Kyiv
Photos: 1376 · General Editor

Цитата (Adskii_Krendel, 20.12.2014):
> А что ж ёлочка то такая скудная?

А вы внимательно на фото смотрите. На сцене символика партии. Значит организатором действа выступает это самая партия, а партийный бюджет видимо скуден, вот и получилась такая ёлка.
20.12.2014 12:34 CEST
Синий трамвай · Ukraine Makeyevka
Photos: 748

Так причём здесь сцена? Сцена имеет отношение к сегодняшнему мероприятию, а не к Новому году. Ёлочка не сильно скуднее тех, что были в недавние годы.
20.12.2014 12:40 CEST
Santehnik · Ukraine Kyiv
Photos: 1376 · General Editor

Интересно, не знал что там сегодня какое-то мероприятие.

Начал гуглить, изучать. Нашел фото прошлогодней: http://girnyk.dn.ua/news/kak_vygljadit_glavnaja_novogodnjaja_elka_donecka_foto/2013-12-19-3628

Видимо сейчас она жа и есть, значит всё гораздо проще.
20.12.2014 12:44 CEST
Синий трамвай · Ukraine Makeyevka
Photos: 748

Цитата (Santehnik, 20.12.2014):
> Интересно, не знал что там сегодня какое-то мероприятие.

Ну как же. На сцене вон написано - "Праздник солидарности" (хотя сегодня вроде не первое мая). Там сегодня "благотворительная" ярмарка продуктов по сниженным ценам, и заодно накрученное вокруг этого идеологическое действо, народные гуляния.

20.12.2014 12:47 CEST
Santehnik · Ukraine Kyiv
Photos: 1376 · General Editor

Цены интересны, по ним реально что-то купить? Тот же сахар и молоко раза в 2 дешевле.
20.12.2014 12:48 CEST
Синий трамвай · Ukraine Makeyevka
Photos: 748

Я думаю - реально; в Макеевке тоже такое проводилось неделю назад (я не ходил, ТВ передавало и соседи обсуждали). Тут проблема в другом, во-первых, хватит ли на всех, во-вторых, будет многолюдная толкотня.
20.12.2014 15:26 CEST
Виталий Лунёв · Ukraine Donetsk
No photos · City Editor

Цитата (Лева, 20.12.2014):
> Что сейчас с неработающими Лазами?:-)

С ЛАЗами проблема, нет колёс и стекол, закупки только по безналу, в городе предприятий которые поставили бы партию новой резины на троллейбусы нет. На внешних предприятиях запрещено покупать. Без колес уже половина лазов стоят.
20.12.2014 15:36 CEST
Дима Ягодкин
Photos: 1740

Только что от туда, людей очень много было, цены в два раза дешевле!
20.12.2014 20:12 CEST
Валикжанин А.В.1995 · Ukraine Donetsk
Photos: 14

Всех Дончан с Наступающим Новым Годом.Мирного неба над головой.Я тебя люблю мой Донецк.Я тобой горжусь,ты сильный,мой город детства.
20.12.2014 20:53 CEST
Миша из Киева · Ukraine Kyiv
Photos: 6

Мирного всем неба над головой. Счастья в будущем году.
20.12.2014 21:03 CEST
citrus · Russia Moscow
Photos: 199

Справа от елки стоят детские веломобильчики - классные такие. Дети любят такие очень, знаю. Пускай снова будет мир в Донецке. Донбасс заслужил мир и порядок.
22.12.2014 01:04 CEST
Дима Ягодкин
Photos: 1740

Фотография с ярмарки и одновременно концерта на пл. Ленина http://6.firepic.org/6/images/2014-12/22/40jgb1xf5huf.jpg
다음 언어를 번역: 러시아어
다음 언어로 번역: 영어
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Thank you! And you, Shakhtar, happy! Peace, happiness and prosperity! God Bless you Lord!20.12.2014 05:39 CESTLinkAdskii_Krendel · Ukraine KharkovNo photosAs far as I remember, this central square?And so this little tree?20.12.2014 07:31 CESTLinkAztec · Russia MurmanskPhotos: 2101Buy more, get and set))20.12.2014 07:59 CESTLinkAdskii_Krendel · Ukraine KharkovNo photosQuote (Aztec, 20.12.2014):> Buy more bring and install))I don't think it is my concern)20.12.2014 08:30 CESTLinkMikhail Barashkov · Ukraine SevastopolNo photosFor the city, which is on the front lines-the great tree.20.12.2014 09:41 CESTLinkM-95 · Russia, Nizhniy NovgorodNo photosQuote (Adskii_Krendel, 20.12.2014):> And then this little tree?As the saying goes: "Modestly but with taste".20.12.2014 10:44 CESTLinkfanat22 · Ukraine NikolaevPhotos: 42peace and happy new year!20.12.2014 11:53 CESTLinkLoew · Ukraine DonetskNo photosWhat now with broken Holes?:-)20.12.2014 12:32 CESTLinkSantehnik · Ukraine KyivPhotos: 1376 · General EditorQuote (Adskii_Krendel, 20.12.2014):> And then this little tree?And you look at the photo carefully. On stage, the symbols of the party. Means the organizer of the action is the party favors and party budget apparently meager, and that turned out to be such a celebration.20.12.2014 12:34 CESTLinkBlue tram · Ukraine MakeyevkaPhotos: 748So besides the scene here? The scene is relevant to today's event, not for the new year. Christmas tree not much poorer ones that have been in recent years.20.12.2014 12:40 CESTLinkSantehnik · Ukraine KyivPhotos: 1376 · General EditorInteresting, did not know that out there today for some event.Started Google, learn. Found a photo of last year's: http://girnyk.dn.ua/news/kak_vygljadit_glavnaja_novogodnjaja_elka_donecka_foto/2013-12-19-3628Apparently she now she is, it means everything is much simpler.20.12.2014 12:44 CESTLinkBlue tram · Ukraine MakeyevkaPhotos: 748Quote (Santehnik, 20.12.2014):> Interesting, did not know that out there today for some event.Well, of course. On stage won written-"feast of solidarity" (although not the first of May). There today "charity" fair product at a reduced price, and at the same time wound around this ideological show festivities.http://cs624625.vk.me/v624625524/10268/vREwVMgG-OA.jpg20.12.2014 12:47 CESTLinkSantehnik · Ukraine KyivPhotos: 1376 · General EditorPrices are interesting, they actually buy something? The same sugar and milk 2 times cheaper.20.12.2014 12:48 CESTLinkBlue tram · Ukraine MakeyevkaPhotos: 748I think really; in makeevka, too, this was carried out a week ago (I did not go, tv broadcast and neighbors discussed). Here the problem lies elsewhere, in the first place, if at all, and secondly, will the cosmopolitan hustle.20.12.2014 15:26 CESTLinkVitaliy Lunyov · Ukraine DonetskNo photos · City EditorQuote (Loew, 20.12.2014):> What is now broken Holes?:-)With Tunnels problem, no wheels and glasses, purchasing only Socium, in enterprises that would put new rubber on party trolley bus No. In foreign enterprises are prohibited from buying. Without wheels already half shells.20.12.2014 15:36 CESTLinkDima YagodkinPhotos: 1740Only that there was a lot of people, prices two times cheaper!20.12.2014 20:12 CESTLinkValikžanin A.v. 1995 · Ukraine DonetskPhotos: 14All Shakhtar with the coming new year. Peaceful sky over head. I love you my Donetsk. I'm proud of you, you are a strong, my city childhood.20.12.2014 20:53 CESTLinkMisha of Kiev · Ukraine KyivPhotos: 6Peace to all the sky overhead. Happiness in the coming year.20.12.2014 21:03 CESTLinkCitrus · Russia MoscowPhotos: 199To the right of the tree stand baby velomobil′čiki-cool. Kids love these really know. Let there be peace again in Donetsk. Donbass has deserved peace and order.22.12.2014 01:04 CESTLinkDima YagodkinPhotos: 1740Picture with fairs and concert at the same time. Lenin http://6.firepic.org/6/images/2014-12/22/40jgb1xf5huf.jpg
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Thanks! And you, people of Donetsk, a Happy !!! Peace, happiness and prosperity! God bless you!
20.12.2014 05:39 CEST
Adskii_Krendel · Kharkov Ukraine
No photos As I recall, this is the central area? And what herringbone such a meager? 20.12.2014 07:31 CEST Link Aztec Russia Murmansk · Photos: 2101 Buy more bring and install)) 20/12/2014 07:59 CEST Link Adskii_Krendel · Kharkov Ukraine No photos Quote (Aztec, 20/12/2014):> Buy more, bring and install)) I do not think it is my concern) 12/20/2014 CEST 08:30 Link Mikhail Sevastopol Ukraine Barashkov · No photos for the city, located on the front line - a great tree. 20.12.2014 09:41 CEST Link-95 Nizhniy Novgorod Russia · No photos Quote (Adskii_Krendel, 20.12.2014):> And what herringbone such a meager? As the saying goes: "Modestly but with taste". 20.12.2014 10:44 CEST Link fanat22 Nikolaev Ukraine · Photos: 42 peaceful sky and happy New Year! 20.12.2014 11:53 CEST Link Leva Ukraine Donetsk · No photos What is now with broken lazami? :-) 20.12.2014 12:32 CEST Link Santehnik Ukraine Kyiv · Photos: 1376 · General Editor Quote (Adskii_Krendel, 20.12.2014):> And what such a meager Christmas Tree? And you look closely at the photo. On stage, the symbolism of the party. So it acts as the organizer of the action is the party but the party apparently meager budget, and that was such a tree. 20.12.2014 12:34 CEST Link Blue tram Ukraine Makeyevka · Photos: 748 So where are the scene? The scene is relevant to today's event, and not the New Year. Herringbone is not much poorer those that have been in recent years. 20.12.2014 12:40 CEST Link Santehnik Ukraine Kyiv · Photos: 1376 · General Editor wonder, did not know that there is now some kind of event. I started to google and study. I found the photo last year: Now she is Ms, then everything is much easier. 20.12.2014 12:44 CEST Link Blue tram Ukraine Makeyevka · Photos: 748 Quote (Santehnik, 20.12.2014):> I wonder, did not know that there is now some kind of event. Well, how. On stage there is written - "Celebration of Solidarity" (although today did not seem to May 1). There is today "charity" Fair food at reduced prices, and at the same time that stranded around an ideological act, festivities. Http://cs624625.vk.me/v624625524/10268/vREwVMgG-OA.jpg 20.12.2014 12:47 CEST Link Santehnik Ukraine Kyiv · Photos: 1376 · General Editor Rates of interest on them actually buy something? The same sugar and milk in 2 times cheaper. 20.12.2014 12:48 CEST Link Blue tram Ukraine Makeyevka · Photos: 748 I think - really; in Makeyevka, too, is held a week ago (I did not go, the TV aired and discussed neighbors). Here the problem lies elsewhere, in the first place, there will be enough at all, and secondly, will be crowded jostling. 20/12/2014 15:26 CEST Link Vitaly Lunev Donetsk Ukraine · No photos · City Editor Quote (Loew, 12/20/2014):> What is now with broken lazami :-) With lazami problem, no wheels and glasses, only purchases by bank transfer, in the city of businesses that would put a new batch of rubber on the trolley there. In foreign companies are prohibited from buying. Without wheels are half the manhole. 20.12.2014 15:36 CEST Link Dima Yagodkin Photos: 1740 Just from there, a lot of people were, the price is two times cheaper! 20.12.2014 20:12 CEST Link Valikzhanin A.V.1995 Ukraine Donetsk · Photos: 14 All Donetsk Happy New Godom.Mirnogo sky over golovoy.Ya love my Donetsk.Ya proud of you, you are strong, my childhood city. 20.12.2014 20:53 CEST Link Misha from Kyiv Kyiv Ukraine · Photos 6 Peace entire sky overhead. Happiness in the coming year. 20.12.2014 21:03 CEST Link citrus · Russia Moscow Photos: 199 the right of the tree are children velomobilchiki - cool like that. Children are very fond of, I know. Let there be peace again in Donetsk. Donbass deserved peace and order. 22.12.2014 01:04 CEST Link Dima Yagodkin Photos: 1740 Photo of the fair and at the same time a concert on the Square. Lenin http://6.firepic.org/6/images/2014-12/22/40jgb1xf5huf.jpg

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
Thank you very much! And you, дончан, with happiness!!! Peace, goodness and well-being! As limpid as you Lord!
12.20.2014 05:39 am CEST
Adskii_Krendel · Ukraine Mazatlan
No photos

as far as I can remember, that is the central square?
and that GVA riser card that little?
12.20.2014 07:31 am CEST
Aztec Code · Russia Murmаnsk
Photos: 2101lord Buy more, election falsification and install))
12.20.2014 07:59 am CEST
Adskii_Krendel · Ukraine Mazatlan
No photos

Quote (Aztec Code, 12.20.2014 ) :
> Buy more, election falsification and install))lord do not think that my concern)
12.20.2014 08:30 CEST
Mikhail containing an inscription · Ukraine Sevаstоpоl
No photos

for the city, located on the front line - excellent Raleigh.
12.20.2014 09:41 am CEST
M-95 · Russia Nizhniy Nоvgоrоd
No photos

Quote (Adskii_Krendel, 12.20.2014 ) :
> as well as railway riser card is such a little?Lord as stated: "modestly,But tastefully decorated" .
12.20.2014 10:44 am CEST
Fanat ID22 · Ukraine keeps providing
Photos: 42lord peaceful sky and happy New Year!
12.20.2014 11:53 am CEST
left · Ukraine | Rouen
No photos

that now with malfunctioning Лазами? : - )
12.20.2014 12:32 PM CEST
Sаntehnik · Ukraine exhibition area
Photos: 1376 · General Editor more multitasking performance

Quote (Adskii_Krendel, 12.20.2014 ) :
> and that GVA riser card that little?Lord and you carefully to see photo. The scene symbology. The organizer is infantile curiosity in favor is the most party, and party budget might be wedded state,Here's and interesting this Raleigh.
12.20.2014 12:34 PM CEST
Blue tram · Ukraine Mаkeyevkа
Photos: 748Lord So and here a scene? Scene is relevant to today's event, and not to the new year. Ёлочка is not very violent rocking thoseThat have been in recent years.
12.20.2014 12:40 PM CEST
Sаntehnik · Ukraine exhibition area
Photos: 1376 · General Editor

interesting, did not know that there is any event.Lord began гуглить, to study. Last year's found photo: http://girnyk.dn.UA/news/kаk_vygljаdit_glаvnаjа_nоvоgоdnjаjа_elkа_dоneсkа_fоtо/ 2013-12 -19-3628lord perhaps now it was and is, it is all much easier.
12.20.2014 12:44 PM CEST
Blue tram · Ukraine Mаkeyevkа
Photos: 748lord Quote (Sаntehnik, 12.20.2014 ) :
> interesting,Did not know that there is any event.Lord as. The scene Vaughn is written - "Holiday solidarity" (although this is not the first but may). There today, the "charity" exhibition products at discounted prices,And integral накрученное around this ideological drama, people's celebration.lord http://сs624625.vk.me/v624625524/10268/vREwVMgG-OA.jpg
20.12.2014 12:47 PM CEST
Sаntehnik · Ukraine exhibition area
Photos: 1376 · General Editor

prices are interesting, they really that buy?The same sugar and milk in 2 times cheaper.
12.20.2014 12:48 PM CEST
Blue tram · Ukraine Mаkeyevkа
Photos: 748lord I think - actually; in future too is conducted a week ago (i did not go, TV broadcast and neighbors discussed). Is the problem in the other,In the first place, whether there will be sufficient at all, and secondly, will that overcrowding.
12.20.2014 3:26 PM CEST
Vitaly quotations · Ukraine | Rouen
No photos · City Editor

Quote (left, 12.20.2014 ) :
> that now with malfunctioning Лазами? : -) The Lord ЛАЗами problem, there is no wheel and windows,Purchase only on:, enterprises in the city which would have party new rubber on the trolley. The external enterprises are not allowed to buy. Without the wheels already half manhole shall be permitted face.
12.20.2014 3:36 PM CEST
Dima Ягодкин
Photos: 1,740 Lord only that from there, the people are very much was, prices in two times cheaper!
12.20.2014 8:12 PM CEST
Валикжанин as well.B.1995 · Ukraine | Rouen
Photos: 14lord all Дончан a Happy New Year.The peaceful sky above the head.i love you my Donetsk.I really am proud,you're strong,my city childhood.
12.20.2014 8:53 PM CEST
Micha from Kiev · Ukraine exhibition area
Photos: 6lord Peace all the sky over your head. Happiness in the future year.
12.20.2014 9:03 PM CEST
citrus Aurantium Dulcis · Russia Moscow
Photos: 199

On the right hand side of trees are children's веломобильчики - classroom such. Children love these very, i don't know. Let again will be a world in Donetsk. Donbass deserve peace and order.
12.22.2014 01:04 am CEST
Dima Ягодкин
Photos: 1,740

Photo from fairs and, at the same time concert at the submarine. Lenin http://6.firepiс.оrg/6/imаges/2014-12/22/40jgb1xf5huf.jpg
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
번역 도구 지원: 갈리시아어, 구자라트어, 그리스어, 네덜란드어, 네팔어, 노르웨이어, 덴마크어, 독일어, 라오어, 라트비아어, 라틴어, 러시아어, 루마니아어, 룩셈부르크어, 리투아니아어, 마라티어, 마오리어, 마케도니아어, 말라가시어, 말라얄람어, 말레이어, 몰타어, 몽골어, 몽어, 미얀마어 (버마어), 바스크어, 베트남어, 벨라루스어, 벵골어, 보스니아어, 불가리아어, 사모아어, 세르비아어, 세부아노, 세소토어, 소말리아어, 쇼나어, 순다어, 스와힐리어, 스웨덴어, 스코틀랜드 게일어, 스페인어, 슬로바키아어, 슬로베니아어, 신디어, 신할라어, 아랍어, 아르메니아어, 아이슬란드어, 아이티 크리올어, 아일랜드어, 아제르바이잔어, 아프리칸스어, 알바니아어, 암하라어, 언어 감지, 에스토니아어, 에스페란토어, 영어, 오리야어, 요루바어, 우르두어, 우즈베크어, 우크라이나어, 웨일즈어, 위구르어, 이그보어, 이디시어, 이탈리아어, 인도네시아어, 일본어, 자바어, 조지아어, 줄루어, 중국어, 중국어 번체, 체와어, 체코어, 카자흐어, 카탈로니아어, 칸나다어, 코르시카어, 코사어, 쿠르드어, 크로아티아어, 크메르어, 클링곤어, 키냐르완다어, 키르기스어, 타갈로그어, 타밀어, 타지크어, 타타르어, 태국어, 터키어, 텔루구어, 투르크멘어, 파슈토어, 펀자브어, 페르시아어, 포르투갈어, 폴란드어, 프랑스어, 프리지아어, 핀란드어, 하와이어, 하우사어, 한국어, 헝가리어, 히브리어, 힌디어, 언어 번역.

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