2016г. "Товарищи мужики", сериал, реж. Роман Фокин, роль - чиновник,
2016г. "Два отца, два сына", «Yellow, Black and White», сериал, реж. Рада Новикова, эпизод - военный комендант,
2016г., "Тайна русской жемчужины", к/к "Русское", сериал, реж. С.Краснов, роль - Рудаков, мэр.
2016г., "Два отца и два сына", СТС, сериал, 2 сезон, реж. Рада Новикова, эпизод - комендант военной комендатуры,
2016г., "Сцепленные", авторское кино, режиссер Роман Пустовалов, роль Никифор-гипнотизер,
2016г., "Пятая стража", 3 сезон, 14 серия, режиссер Игорь Твердохлебов, роль- Александ Нестеров, бизнесмен.,
2016., "Черная кошка", к/к Русское, сериал, режиссер Антон Сиверс, эпизод -распорядитель.
2015г., "Охотники", (полный метр), режиссер Александр Селиверстов, роль- оппонент,
2015г., «Филфак», ГудсториМедиа, сериал, режиссер Федор Стуков, роль- проректор университета,
2015г., "Защитники", кинокомпания Enjoy Movies, режиссер Сарик Андреасян, (полный метр), роль- Министр обороны РФ.,
2015г., "Отец Матвей", Русское, Россия 1, режиссер Девятилов Валерий, роль - Чемизов.
2014г., «Адаптация», ГудсториМедиа для ТНТ, Пилот сериала, режиссер, Федор Стуков, роль – русский контрразведчик Кузнецов.
2014г. «Неподсудные», ЦЕНТР ПАРТНЕРШИП, сериал, режиссёр Мурад Алиев, эпизод – сотрудник ФСБ.
2014г. «Временно не доступен», 1 канал, сериал, режиссер Михаил Хлебородов, роль – полковник ФСБ Лосев.
2014г. «Паутина-8», к/компания ЯУЗА, НТВ, сериал, режиссер Михаил Галин, роль – Бондарь
2016g. "Fellow men" tv series, dir. Roman Fokin, role-official2016g. "two father two sons", "Yellow, Black and White, series producer. Rada Novikova, episode-military commandant,2016g., "the mystery of Russian gems", "Russkoe", series producer. N. Krasnov, role-Rudakov, Mayor.2016g, "two father and two sons", STS, tv series, season 2, dir. Rada Novikova, episode-the Commandant of the military commandant's Office,2016g., "Concatenated" Auteur cinema, film director Roman Pustovalov, role of Nikifor-hypnotist,2016g., "the fifth guard, season 3, series 14, directed by Igor Tverdohlebov, role-Alexander Nesterov, businessman,2016, "the black cat", the Russian tv series, directed by Anton Sivers, managing episode. 2015, "Hunters" (full length), directed by Alexander Seliverstov, role-opponent 2015. "Language", GudstoriMedia, tv series, directed by Fedor Knocks, role-Vice-Chancellor of the University,2015, "Defenders", kinokompaniya Enjoy Movies, directed by Sarik andreasyan, (full length), the role of Defence Minister of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, 2015, "Father Matthew", Russian, Russia 1, directed by Valery Devâtilov, role-Čemizov.2014, "Adaptation", GudstoriMedia for TNT pilot tv series Director, Fedor Knocks, role-Russian intelligence.2014. "Nepodsudnye" CENTER PARTNERSHIP, a tv series, directed by Murad Aliev, episode-officer of the FSB.2014. "temporarily not available, 1 channel, tv series, directed by Mikhail Khleborodov, role-FSB Colonel Losev. 2014. "Web-8"/company YAUZA, NTV, tv series, directed by Michael Galin, role-Bondar
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
2016. "Comrades, men" series, dir. Roman Fokin, role - official
2016. "Two fathers, two sons", «Yellow, Black and White », TV series, dir. Rada Novikova, the episode - the military commandant,
2016, "The Mystery of Russian gems" / k "Russian", the TV series, dir.. Krasny, role - Rudakov, the mayor.
2016, "Two fathers and two sons," CTC, series, season 2, dir.. Rada Novikova, the episode - the commandant of the military commander's office
. 2016, "Chained", auteur cinema, film director Roman Pustovalov role Nikifor-hypnotist
. 2016, "The fifth guard," Season 3, Episode 14, directed by Igor Tverdohlebov, rol- Aleksand Nesterov businessman.,
2016, "Black cat", a / to Russian TV series, directed by Anton Sivers, episode -rasporyaditel.
2015. "The Hunters" (full meter) by Alexander Seliverstov, rol- opponent,
2015., "Filfak" GudstoriMedia, TV series, directed by Fyodor Stukov, rol- University Vice-Chancellor,
2015. "Defenders", the film company Enjoy Movies, film director Sarik Andreasyan (full meter) rol- Minister of defense of the Russian Federation.,
2015., "Father Matthew "Russian, Russian 1, the director Valery Devyatilov role - Chemizov.
2014," Adaptation "GudstoriMedia for TNT series pilot, directed by Fyodor Stukov role -. Russian counterintelligence Kuznetsov.
2014. "Jurisdiction" PARTNERSHIP CENTRE, TV series, directed by Murad Aliyev, the episode - an FSB officer.
2014. "Temporarily not available" 1 channel TV series, directed by Michael Khleborodov role - FSB Colonel Losev.
2014. "Web-8" to / Company Yauza, NTV, TV series, directed by Michael Galin, role - Cooper
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
2016г. " fellow men ", show, dir. novel fokin, role.2016г. " two father, two sons, « yellow, black and White», show, реж. happy novikova, episode - the military commander.2016г., "the secret of pearl", to the "russian" show, dir. с.краснов, role - rudakov, mayor.2016г., two father and two sons, spc, show, season 2, dir. happy novikova, episode - the commander of military комендатуры,2016г. "coupled", the film director roman пустовалов, role of nikephoros - a hypnotist.2016г., "fifth guards", season 3, episode 14, directed by igor твердохлебов, role - alexander nesterov, бизнесмен.,2016., "black cat", the russian, the show, directed by anton sivers, episode распорядитель. 2015г., "hunters", (a meter), directed by alexander селиверстов, role of opponent, 2015г., "филфак», гудсторимедиа, сериал, directed by fyodor knocks, the role of the university2015г., "defenders", кинокомпания enjoy movies, directed by сарик андреасян (a meter), the role of the secretary of defense рф., 2015г., father matthew ", russian, russia 1, режиссер девятилов valery, role - чемизов.2014г., "адаптация», гудсторимедиа for tnt, the pilot of the show, the director, the role is контрразведчик knocks, the russian kuznetsov.2014г. "неподсудные», centre partnership, show, режиссёр murad aliyev, episode – fsb officer.2014г. "temporarily not доступен», channel 1, the show, directed by michael хлебородов, role, colonel of the fsb losev. 2014г. "web - 8, / the yauza river, ntv, series, directed by michael helene, role, bondar
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..