метапредметные resultsregulatory oodbe able to:- to formulate, on its own, the class after the preliminary discussion;- with the help of teachers analyze the assignment, separated a known unknown.in conjunction with the teacher to identify and formulate the learning problem.- to perform exploratory search action (exercise), select the optimal decision problem (task).encourage construction technological solutions and ways of implementation of individual phases of manufacturing products of the former;- to select the best suited to the task of materials and tools;- to do the exercise on collectively sequenced, about their actions.- to the current, and the control performance, to verify the model in action, to make the necessary structural adjustments.cognitive ood- to find and select the necessary information to address the learning tasks in the textbook, encyclopedias, handbooks on the internet;- to acquire new knowledge in the process of observation, reasoning, andthe discussion of exploratory search materials textbook exercises;the process information, to compare and classify the facts and phenomena; to determine the causal relationship of events, events, and use it to implement the proposed and tasks;the conclusions on the basis of the consolidation of knowledge and mature skills.communicative ood- to formulate their thoughts to meet the learning and living speech situations.- to express their views, and trying to justify and argument.- listen to others, to respect the position of another, trying to negotiate.- to be able to work in various roles in the group, in a joint decision problem (task).
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