Думаешь мне так сильно важно хвастаться тобой? Даже если я и хочу, то ты же сказал про операцию(хотя ты все равно делать её не бедешь). Мне было главное услышать это "ты выйдешь за меня? "Быть уверенной, что я не просто так отказалась от того, что мне было так дорого, что я не хотела делать с тем, с кем не буду потом всю свою жизнь, с тем кто не имеет серьезных намерений на счет меня. Но даже на наш год все ушло в туалет. Все о чем я думала, я была разбита в тот день. Думаешь мне так важно, что ты работаешь и имеешь специальность чтоб жить с тобой? Мы же не женимся сразу после того как ты мне сделаешь предложение, так что я можно сказать ждала этого, не сильно, но ждала, ждала что наши отношения будут хотя бы на маленькую ступеньку выше. После года, люди начинают жить вместе, женятся или делают что-то еще чтоб повысить свои отношения, а у нас уже год одно и тоже.
Think me so much it is important to show off you? Even if I want to, then you are told about the operation (though you still do not bedesh'). I hear it was "will you marry me?" Be assured that I am not just refused because I was so expensive that I didn't want to do with those with whom I won't then their entire lives, so who is not serious on account of me. But even in our year has gone in the toilet. All of what I thought I was broken that day. I think it is so important that you work and you have a specialty in order to live with you? We don't we marry immediately after I do a proposal, so I can say was waiting for this, not much, but waited, waited that our relationship will be at least a little notch. After a year, people begin to live together, get married or do something else to improve their relations, and we have the same year.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Do you think me so much it is important to brag about you? Even if I want something you said about the operation (though you still do not bedesh it). It was important to hear this "will you marry me?" Be sure that I did not just give up, I was so expensive that I did not want to do so, with whom I will not then all my life, so who It is not serious on account of me. But even in our year all gone to the toilet. All the things I thought I had broken that day. I think it is so important that you work and have a specialty to live with you? We're not getting married as soon as you make an offer to me, so I can say this waiting, not much, but waited and waited that our relations will at least for a little notch. After a year, people begin to live together, get married, or do something else to improve their relationship, and we have the same year.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

do you think i really care about you? even if i want to, you said about operation (though you still do not бедешь). i was just to hear it, "will you marry me?" to be sure, so i refused because i was so expensive that i didn't want to do with those who don't and all my life, those who did not have serious intentions about me. but even in our year it went to the bathroom. all i thought i was broken that day. do you think it is important that you work and have the specialty to live with you? we're not getting married right after you make me an offer, so that i can tell you've been waiting for, not much, but waited, expecting that our relationship will be at least a little step above. after a year, people are beginning to live together, get married or do something to improve their relationship, and we have already a year one and the same.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..