Использование метода проектов позволяет нам на деле реализовать деятел 번역 - Использование метода проектов позволяет нам на деле реализовать деятел 영어 말하는 방법

Использование метода проектов позво

Использование метода проектов позволяет нам на деле реализовать деятельностный подход в трудовом обучении учащихся, интегрировать знания и умения, полученные ими при изучении различных школьных дисциплин на разных этапах обучения, а также интеграции приемов и операций в образовательной области «Технология». Полезно использование учителем на уроках и во внеурочное время специальных методических приемов: краткого рассказа о технологиях, показа учителем альтернативных способов изготовления изделия, взаимообучения учащихся внутри группы, включения в учебные занятия ролевой игры; дискуссии о различных технологических решениях между учащимися, свободный обмен информацией в ходе выполнения проектов.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Use the projects allows us to actually implement the activity approach in labour training students to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired while studying various school disciplines at different stages of learning, as well as the integration of techniques and operations in the educational technology field. It is useful to use the teacher in the classroom and outside the special methods of teaching: a short story about technology, teacher of alternative methods of manufacture of the product, peer-group learning among students within the group, inclusion in the training sessions of the role-playing game; discussion about the different technological solutions among students, the free flow of information during the execution of the projects.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Using project method allows us to actually implement the activity approach in labor training students to integrate knowledge and skills obtained in the study of different school subjects at different stages of training, as well as the integration of techniques and operations in the educational area "Technology". Useful use of the teacher in the classroom and after school special instructional techniques: a brief story about the technology, showing a teacher of alternative methods of manufacturing products, mutual learning of students in the group, included in the training sessions role-playing game; discussions on various technological solutions among students, free flow of information during the execution of projects.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
use of the method of projects allows us to implement деятельностный approach by training students to integrate knowledge and skillsfrom the acquired in studying the different school subjects at different stages of learning, as well as the integration of techniques and operations in the educational field "technology.good use of a teacher in class and outside school hours of special training techniques: a story about technology, the teacher alternative methods of manufacture of the product.взаимообучения students within the group, the inclusion in the training role play and discussion about various technological decisions among students, the free exchange of information during the execution of the projects.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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