Весьма полезным оказался «Multisim» при объяснении особенности измерен 번역 - Весьма полезным оказался «Multisim» при объяснении особенности измерен 영어 말하는 방법

Весьма полезным оказался «Multisim»

Весьма полезным оказался «Multisim» при объяснении особенности измерения сдвига фаз с помощью однолучевого осциллографа с электронным коммутатором. Необходимость инвертирования фазы одного из напряжений, возникающая из-за особенности подключения, – традиционно не простая для восприятия тема – при использовании «Multisim» иллюстрируется очень наглядно на примере цепи из двух последовательно соединенных резисторов и изменения полярности подключения одного из входов двухлучевого виртуального осциллографа. Наличие «Multisim» на домашних ПК студентов позволило формулировать индивидуальные задания и эффективно закреплять пройденный материал. Как показал опыт, использование компьютерного моделирования оказывает положительное воздействие на мотивацию студентов, изучающих курс «Электрические цепи». Принципиально важно, при этом, чтобы изучение компьютерной модели не заменяло исследования реальной электрической цепи, а дополняло его. Поэтому для полноценного достижения образовательных целей необходимы переходы от реального объекта к его модели и обратно, сопоставление результатов, полученных в эксперименте и моделировании. Такой подход позволяет в ходе изучения электротехники не только познакомить студентов с основными явлениями, происходящими, например, в разветвленных и неразветвленных линейных электрических цепях, но и сформировать адекватные представления о возможностях и роли математического моделирования в современной науке.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Very useful was "Multisim» when explaining the features of phase shifting measurement by using single-beam oscilloscope with an electronic switch. Need to invert the phase of one of the stresses arising due to features of the connection is not traditionally a simple readable theme-when using Multisim "illustrates very clearly by the example of two series-connected resistors and reversing the polarity of the connections to one of the inputs double virtual oscilloscope. The presence of "Multisim" on home PCs students allowed to formulate individual tasks and effectively consolidate the traversed material. Experience has shown that the use of computer modeling has a positive impact on students ' motivation course "Electrical circuit". It is crucial to study computer models are not replaced study real circuit, and complements it. Therefore, to fully achieve educational goals necessary transitions from a real object to its models and back again, a comparison of the results obtained in experiment and modeling. This approach allows in the course of studying electrical engineering not only acquaint students with a basic understanding of the phenomena taking place, for example, branched and straight linear electric circuits, but also generate the adequate presentation of the opportunities and the role of mathematical modeling in modern science.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
It turned out to be very useful «Multisim» in explaining the features of the phase shift measurements using single-beam oscilloscope with an electronic switch. The need to invert the phase of one of the strains arising due to particular connections - traditionally not easy to grasp the topic - using «Multisim» very clearly illustrated by the example of a chain of two series-connected resistors and change polarity of one of the inputs of a two-beam virtual oscilloscope. Availability «Multisim» on home PCs has allowed students to formulate individual tasks and effectively consolidate the material covered. Experience has shown that the use of computer simulation has a positive effect on the motivation of students studying the course "Circuits". It is crucial in this case to study computer model does not replace the study of real circuit, but complement it. Therefore, to fully achieve the educational objectives need to move from the real object to the model and vice versa, a comparison of results obtained in the experiment and simulation. This approach allows in the course of the study of electrical engineering is not only to introduce students to the basic phenomena occurring, for example, branched and unbranched linear electric circuits, but also to create an adequate understanding of the opportunities and the role of mathematical modeling in modern science.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
a very useful turned out to be "Multisim» in explaining the features of measuring phase shift by using the parameters of однолучевого electronic коммутатором. the need for инвертирования phase one of the voltages.because of the characteristics of the connection.is traditionally not a perception thing is using "Multisim» illustrated very clearly by the chain of two series connected resistors and changing the polarity of connection of one of theдвухлучевого virtual parameters.the "Multisim» home pc students allowed to formulate individual assignments and effectively consolidate the material. experience has shown thatthe use of computer simulation has a positive impact on the motivation of students in the course "electrical chain. it is essential thatto study the computer model заменяло studies the real circuit and complementary.however, for the full achievement of the education goals required transitions from real object to its model and back, comparison of the results obtained in the experiment and the simulation.such an approach allows the study of electrical engineering not only introduce students to the major developments, for example, in a complex and неразветвленных linear electric circuits.but form the adequate understanding of the possibilities and the role of mathematical modeling in modern science.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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