Цитата (Стас Давыдов, 29.04.2013):
> По логике в Музее должны быть все модели, которые когда-либо работали на предприятии.
Никакого места не хватит, это не трамваи, тут в разы больше моделей.
Цитата (HAV, 29.04.2013):
> Всяко интереснее покрытых мхом сараев, на восстановление которых походу забит болт
То, что на Хрустальной, уже вряд ли пригодно куда-то, кроме порезки.
Quote (Stas Davydov, 29.04.2013):> According to the logic of the Museum must be all the models who have ever worked for the company.No place is not enough, it's not trams, there is many times more models.Quote (HAV, 29.04.2013):> Combination of fun mossy sheds, on which restoration campaign hammered boltThe fact that a Crystal, can hardly fit somewhere, in addition to cutting.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
quote (stas davydov, 29.04.2013):
> on logic in the museum should be all the models who ever worked for the company.
no place is not enough, it's not the trams, there's much more models.
a (HAV, 29.04.2013):."certainly interesting moss covered sheds, recovery of which apparently beaten bolt
what is in the crystal, it is unlikely to fit in anywhere, except ripping.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..