ранее являвшееся первым руководителем совета директоров, первым руководителем правления и его заместителем, главным бухгалтером, крупным участником — физическим лицом, первым руководителем крупного участника (банковского холдинга) — юридического лица финансовой организации в период не более чем за один год до принятия уполномоченным органом решения о консервации финансовой организации, принудительном выкупе ее акций, о лишении лицензии финансовой организации, а также о принудительной ликвидации финансовой организации или признании ее банкротом в установленном законодательством Республики Казахстан порядке. Указанное требование применяется в течение пяти лет после принятия уполномоченным органом решения о консервации финансовой организации, принудительном выкупе ее акций, о лишении лицензии финансовой организации, а также о принудительной ликвидации финансовой организации или признании ее банкротом в установленном законодательством Республики Казахстан порядке;
previously was the first head of the Board of Directors, the first head of the Board and its Deputy Chief Accountant, a major party is a natural person, the first leader of a major party (bank holding) is a legal person, financial institution during the period of not more than one year prior to the adoption of a decision on the notified body preservation financial institution forced redemption of its shares, the deprivation of license financial organization, as well as the forced liquidation of financial organization or declaring it bankrupt in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan order. This requirement applies for five years after the adoption of the decision by the authorized body of the preservation of the financial organization, forced redemption of its shares, the deprivation of license financial organization, as well as the forced liquidation of financial organization or declaring it bankrupt in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

earlier he is the first head of the Board of Directors, the first head of government and his deputy, chief accountant, a large participant - an individual, the first head of a large participant (bank holding company) - a legal entity of a financial organization in the period of no more than one year before the authority makes a decision on preservation of the financial institution, compulsory redemption of its shares on the revocation of the license of a financial organization, as well as the forced liquidation of a financial organization or declaring it bankrupt in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This requirement shall apply five years after the authority makes a decision on preservation of financial organizations, compulsory redemption of its shares on the revocation of the license of a financial organization, as well as the forced liquidation of a financial organization or declaring it bankrupt in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

Previously retired the first leader of the board of directors, the first leader of the board and his deputy, chief accountant, a major contributor to the physical person,The leader of a major party (bank holding company) - legal person financial organizations in the period not more than one year prior to the adoption by an authorized body decision on conservation financialForced repurchasing its shares, the deprivation license financial organizations,As well as the forced elimination of financial organizations or recognition of its bankrupt in prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.This requirement shall apply for a period of five years after the adoption of the authorized body on the conservation financial organizations, the forced repurchasing its shares, the deprivation license financial organizations,As well as the forced elimination of financial organizations or recognition of its bankrupt in prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..