По интегральному показателю сформированности компонентов самооценки мо 번역 - По интегральному показателю сформированности компонентов самооценки мо 영어 말하는 방법

По интегральному показателю сформир

По интегральному показателю сформированности компонентов самооценки можно определить уровни развития способности учителя к оценке собственной профессиональной деятельности, которые имеют следующие характеристики:
- спонтанное оценочное действие, когда все определяется с позиции эмоций и чувств;
- осознанность выделения существующих и значимых педагогических ситуаций, обращение мысли на результат;
- выделение противоречий, осознанность, системность, обращение мыслей на результат и процесс его получения с позиции критической самооценки.
Таким образом, развитие профессиональной самооценки педагогов обеспечивает постоянное и систематическое появление у учителей инноваций, формирует потребность и устремленность педагогов на осознанное повышение их профессионального роста и качества общего среднего образования.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
By a combined indicator of the self-evaluation component, you can define the levels of development of the ability of teachers to assess their own professional activities, which have the following characteristics:-spontaneous estimated the action when all is determined by the position of the emotions and feelings;-awareness existing allocations and significant pedagogical situations, treatment thought to result;-selection controversy, awareness, consistency, treatment results and thoughts on the process of getting it from a position of critical self-esteem.Thus, the development of professional teachers ' self-evaluation provides a constant and systematic appearance of teachers innovation, generates the need and aspiration of teachers on a conscious raising their professional growth and quality of secondary education.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
According to the integral indicator of formation of the components of self-esteem, you can determine the levels of development of the ability of the teacher to the evaluation of their own professional activities that have the following characteristics:
- spontaneous estimated action when everything is determined from the position of emotions and feelings;
- awareness allocation of existing and significant pedagogical situations, treatment thought to result ;
- the allocation of contradictions, awareness, consistency, handling thoughts on the outcome and the process of obtaining a position of critical self-evaluation.
Thus, the development of professional self-esteem of teachers provides a constant and systematic appearance of teachers of innovation, forms the needs and aspirations of teachers to informed enhance their professional growth and the quality of secondary education.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
on the интегральному indicator сформированности components can determine the levels of development of teacher self-evaluation ability to assess their own professional activitieswhich have the following characteristics:
- spontaneous estimated effect, when it is determined from the position of emotions and feelings;
- mindfulness of the existing and relevant teaching situationsthoughts on treatment outcome;
- the contradictions, mindfulness, systematic, treatment thoughts on result and process it to obtain the critical self-evaluation.
thusthe development of teachers' professional self provides constant and systematic the teachers innovationis the need for self-development of teachers and raise their professional growth and to perceived quality of general secondary education.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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