Пятый этап – рефлексивный. Выполненные осознанно действия позволяют обучаемому сформулировать требования, предъявляемые к качеству выполнения работы, и, руководствуясь ими, оценить результаты собственного труда. При выявлении каких-либо несоответствий он может определить причины их появления, а, следовательно, наметить пути исправления, т.е. эффективно управлять собственной деятельностью. Развитая рефлексия в дальнейшем способствует выявлению и преодолению стереотипов, преобразованию способов действия и художественных подходов.
Fifth stage-reflexive. Performed consciously actions allow attendees to formulate requirements for quality of work, and guided by, evaluate the results of their own work. When identifying any inconsistencies it can determine the causes of their emergence, and consequently define ways of correction, i.e., effectively manage their own activities. Developed reflection further contributes to identifying and addressing stereotypes, transforming ways of action and artistic approaches.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
The fifth stage - reflective. Completed actions deliberately allow the student to formulate the requirements for the quality of work, and guided them to evaluate the results of their own labor. When identifying any inconsistencies it may determine their causes, and, therefore, to plan ways of correction, ie, effectively manage their own activities. Development of reflection in the future contribute to identifying and overcoming stereotypes, transforming ways of acting and artistic approaches.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
the fifth stage is reflexive. by consciously обучаемому action allows to formulate the requirements for the quality of performance, and, based on them, to assess the results of their own labour.in case of any inconsistencies, it can determine its causes, and, consequently, to identify ways to remedy, i.e. to effectively manage their own activities.advanced human self reflection in the future to identify and overcome the stereotypes, the transformation of modes of action and artistic approaches.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..