But due to the low qualification of teachers from 1937 to 1950, labor training has been excluded from the curriculum and moved in extracurricular activities. The rapid technological advances of the 1950s returned to the problem of technological preparation of students, and in 1954 returned to the labor training in the curriculum as part of polytechnic training. In 1965, APN RSFSR was established labor training department commission on primary education. Prior to 1988, he acted the program "Employment Training", which reflects the latest achievements of science teaching, as well as requests of enterprises and state farms. To date, "technology" - a subject of secondary school, tasks are the expansion and deepening of polytechnic education, as well as the identification, discovery and development of students' abilities in the process of creating products. An important task of "technology" as a subject decides in interdisciplinary connections, creating the conditions for the application of knowledge of natural science subjects, revealing the organizational and economic characteristics of the industry in the process of design and creative activities. Despite the long journey changes of the subject "Technology" during the mass school, remained unchanged, some principles of its organization. Firstly, the nature of the Polytechnic - a variety of areas of design and engineering activities, obtaining a obschetrudovyh knowledge and skills, as well as special (professional). Second, the creative nature - the possibility of disclosure of abilities, personality in the creation of material product (products). Third, the reflection of socio-economic development of the country.
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