Все налоги, таможенные пошлины, импортные пошлины и другие расходы, связанные с юридически наложенного природы включая банковские сборы, чтобы быть понесены в стране`ы Покупателя в связи с исполнением Договора, несет покупатель.
All taxes, customs duties, import duties and other costs associated with a legally imposed nature including bank charges to be incurred in strane'y buyer in connection with the performance of the contract, shall be borne by the buyer.
All taxes, customs duties, import duties and other costs associated with legally imposed nature including bank charges to be incurred in the country `s Buyer in connection with the execution of this Agreement shall be borne by the buyer.
All taxes, customs duties, import duties and other costs associated with a legally imposed nature including bank charges, to be incurred in the country's buyer in connection with the performance of the contract,The customer's responsibility.