Весной 1994 года мною были зафрахтованы три речных тепло¬хода, на которых я совершил четырёх¬месячную экспедицию по сибирской реке Оби от Новосибирска до Салеха¬р¬да и обратно. Цель экспедиции — ¬на¬ла¬живание экономических связей с ре¬гионами Крайнего Севера.
Экспедиция называлась «Купе¬ч嬬с¬кий караван». Самый большой из тепло¬хо¬дов — пассажирский, «Патрис Лу¬му¬м¬ба». (В Западно-Сибирском речном ¬пароходстве интересно назы¬ваются теп¬лоходы: «Мария Ульянова», «Патрис Лумумба», «Михаил Кали¬нин», будто других исторических личностей и не было.) На большом теплоходе «Патрис Лумумба» рас¬¬по¬лагался штаб каравана, выставка продукции, производимой пре䬬¬при¬ни¬мателями Сибири, магазин.
Каравану предстояло пройти на ¬север три с половиной тысячи ки¬лометров, посетить как относительно крупные населённые пункты, такие как Томск, Нижневартовск, Ханты-Мансийск, Са¬л嬬хард, так и мелкие, куда добраться с грузом можно лишь в короткий период навигации.
Днём суда каравана причаливали к населённым пунктам. Мы торго¬вали и вели переговоры о налажи¬вании там пос¬то¬янных экономичес¬ких свя¬зей. Передвигались, как правило, ночью. Если метеоусловия не позволяли нам двигаться по реке, в неблагоприятную погоду штабной теплоход причаливал к ближайшему населённому пункту, и мы устраивали вечера отдыха для местной молодёжи. Там подобные ме¬роприятия — редкость. Клубы и Дома культуры за последнее время весьма ¬обветшали. Культмероприятия в них почти не про¬во¬дятся.¬
Иногда на протяжении суток хода не встречалось ни одного, даже мелкого, населённого пункта. Лишь одна тайга вдоль берега реки — единственной транспортной артерии на многие километры. Мне тогда ещё было неведомо, что на одном из этих километров ждёт меня встреча, которая изменит всю мою жизнь.
Однажды, когда мы шли уже обрат¬ным курсом — на Новосибирск, я распо¬ря¬дился причалить штабной теплоход к берегу у маленькой, всего в ¬несколько домиков, деревушки, на ¬десятки кило¬метров удалённой от больших насе¬лён¬ных пунктов. Стоянку запланировал на три часа, чтобы команда теплохода могла походить по земле, а местные жители, приобрести у нас разный товар и про¬дукты, а мы у них, по дешёвке, таёжные дикоросы и рыбу. Во время стоянки ко мне, как к руководителю, обратились с весьма странной просьбой два, как я тогда ¬решил, местных старика. Один по¬старше, другой помоложе. Старший — старик с длинной седой бородой — всё время молчал. Говорил тот, что помоложе. Он уговаривал меня дать им ¬человек пять¬десят (в команде теплохода было всего шесть¬десят пять), которых они хотели сами повести в тайгу, за два¬дцать пять километров от места стоянки теплохода. Повести в глубь тайги для того, чтобы спилить, как они выразились, звенящий кедр. Кедр, высота которого, с его же слов, достигла сорока метров, пред¬лага¬лось ещё и распилить на части, которые можно будет на руках унести на теплоход. Забрать мы должны были непременно всё. Каждую часть старик советовал распилить на ещё более мелкие кусочки, по одному взять себе, остальные раздать своим близким, знакомым, всем, кто пожелает их получить в дар. Старик гово¬рил, что этот кедр необычный. Кусочек его нужно носить на груди на верёвочке. Причём надевать его нужно стоя босыми ногами на траве, ¬ладонью левой руки прижать к обна¬жённой груди. Через минуту почувс¬твуется приятное, исхо¬дящее от кедра тепло, потом по телу пробежит лёгкая дрожь. Время от вре¬мени, когда будет появляться желание, нужно шлифовать кончиками пальцев ту сторону кусочка кедра, кото¬рая не прикасается к телу, при¬держивая боль¬шими пальцами рук за другую сторону. Старик уверенно утве-рждал, что уже через три месяца чело¬век, обладающий кусочком звенящего кедра, почувствует значительное улуч¬шение самочувствия, излечится от многих заболеваний.
— И даже от СПИДа? — спросил я, рассказав им коротко об этой болезни то, что знал из прессы.
Старик уверенно ответил:
— От любых болезней!
Но это, по его мнению, было лёгкой задачей. Главное состояло в том, что человек, обладающий этим кусочком, станет добрее, удачливее, талантливее.¬
О целебных свойствах нашего си¬бир¬ского таёж¬¬ного кедра я немножко знал, но чтобы он мог так влиять на чувства, способности — это тогда казалось мне совсем неправдоподобным. Я подумал: «Может быть, старики ¬хотят получить с меня деньги за этот, как они считают сами, необычный кедр?». И я стал объ¬яснять им, что на «большой земле», чтобы понравиться, женщины носят ювелирные изделия из золота и серебра и за какую-то деревяшку денег платить не будут, потому и я не пойду ни на какие расходы.
— Носят не зная, — последовал ответ. — Золото — прах по срав¬нению с одним кусочком этого кедра, но денег нам за него никаких не нужно, мы ещё можем грибов сушёных вам дать, а нам ничего не нужно...
Не став спорить из уважения к их старости, я сказал:¬
— Ну, может быть, кто-то и станет нсить кусочек вашего кедра... Станет носить, если великий мастер резьбы приложит свою руку и сотворит нечто не¬обычно красивое...
Но на это старик
RINGING CEDARIn the spring of 1994 year I have chartered three River heat ¬ progress on which I made a four month old Siberian expedition ¬ River Ob from Novosibirsk to Saleh ¬ r ¬ yes and back again. The purpose of the expedition — ¬ ¬ ¬ la deserved economic ties to re ¬ gionami of the far North. The expedition was called "Coupé ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ with Che cue caravan". The biggest heat ¬ ¬ Ho-passenger, "Dov Patrice Lu ¬ ¬ ¬ m Mu BA". (West-Siberian River ¬ Company interesting called ¬ by TEP ¬ lohody: Maria Ulyanova, "Patrice Lumumba," Michael Cali ¬ Ning ", though other historical figures.) On the big ship, "Patrice Lumumba" RAS ¬ ¬ ¬ lagalsâ Headquarters on caravan trade show products manufactured before ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ no ¬ matelâmi of Siberia, shop.The caravan was to go to the ¬ North three and a half thousand Ki ¬ lometrov, visit both the relatively large cities, such as Tomsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, SA Le ¬ ¬ ¬ hard and small, where to get loaded with only a short period of navigation. The court day caravan to embarked human settlements. We trade ¬ Wali and negotiated establishment of virtue of a PIC there ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ facility are raffled among loyal the kih associat ¬ Zay. Moved, usually at night. If the weather conditions did not allow us to move across the River, in adverse weather, the headquarters ship approached the nearest naselënnomu item, and we arranged parties for local youth. There's similar IU ¬ activities — a rarity. Clubs and houses of culture recently very ¬ collapsed. Kul′tmeropriâtiâ almost no Pro ¬ ¬ ¬ in total.Sometimes during a day of progress not met any, even minor, settlement. Only one Taiga along the banks of the River, the only traffic artery for miles. I was unaware at that time that one of these kilometers waits me meeting that will change my life.Once, when we were already products ¬ s ' course is at Novosibirsk, I researched by OC ¬ ¬ was to approach the headquarters ship for the coast at the small, just in a few houses, villages, ¬ ¬ kilo metres distant dozens of large population ¬ ¬ tion linen items. Car park planned for three hours to command the ship could go on the land and the locals buy different goods and Pro ¬ products, and we have them on the cheap, Taiga plants and fish. While to me as to the head, had a very strange request two, as I then ¬ decided local old man. One of the older the other younger. Senior is an old man with a long Grey Beard is always silent. Saying that the younger. He tried to persuade me to give them a five man ten ¬ ¬ (in command of the ship was only six ¬ ten five), which they themselves like the story in the taiga, two ¬ no SOAP in five kilometers from the location of the ship. The story deep into the taiga to cut what they described as ringing cedar. Cedar, whose height, with his words, reached forty meters, ¬ ¬ Laga and saw the Moose parts that will be on hand to carry on the ship. Pick up we had necessarily everything. Each piece of the old man advised saw even smaller pieces, one take, distribute the rest to your relatives, friends and all those who wish to receive them as a gift. The old man said ¬ Rhyl that the Cedar is unusual. Slice it should be worn on the chest on the string. Moreover, wear it must be standing barefoot on the grass, with the Palm of the left hand press to the detection of breast žënnoj ¬. One minute IM ¬ tvuetsâ pleasant, outgoing ¬ enhanced disturbing from Cedar warmth, then the body running light tremors. From time to time ¬ Meni when desire will appear you need to grind the tips of my fingers the wrong side of a piece of cedar, which touches not paradise ¬ body when pain chimi's ¬ ¬ fingers for the other side. Old man confident utve-rždal, which is already three months foreheads ¬ 21, with a slice of jangling cedar, will feel a significant upturn in the decision what the kids want, ¬ from many diseases. — And even from AIDS? I asked, telling them about this disease that I knew from the press. The old man replied confidently: — Any illnesses!But that, in his view, it was an easy task. The main thing was that the people with the piece become kinder, more talented luckier.About the healing properties of our SI ¬ ¬ sky taëž Bir ¬ ¬ tion Cedar I knew a little bit, but that it could so affect the senses, ability is then seemed to me quite implausible. I thought, "maybe the elderly ¬ want to get money from me for this, as they see themselves, unusual Cedar?". And I began to explain to them that the school what ¬ in the "big land" to please, women wear jewelry of gold and silver and some wooden leg money will not pay, so I won't go on any costs.— Are not knowing is the answer. — Gold — the ashes over one piece of re-unification ¬ this cedar, but the money we no need for it, we can give you dried mushrooms, and we don't need anything.Not becoming argue out of respect for their old age, I said: ¬— Well, maybe someone and become but ¬ ¬ make a piece your cedar ... Will wear if grand master thread will make your hand and perform something not usually ¬ beautiful ... But this old man
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
Ringing Cedars
spring of 1994 I had chartered three river teplo¬hoda on which I made chetyrёh¬mesyachnuyu expedition to the Siberian river Ob from Novosibirsk to Saleha¬r¬da and back. The purpose of the expedition -. ¬na¬la¬zhivanie economic relations with the Far North re¬gionami
expedition called "Kupe¬che¬¬s¬ky caravan." The largest of teplo¬ho¬dov - passenger, "Patrice Lu¬mu¬m¬ba". (The West-Siberian river ¬parohodstve interesting nazy¬vayutsya tep¬lohody "Maria Ulyanova", "Patrice Lumumba", "Mikhail Kali¬nin" like other historical figures and was not.) On the big ship "Patrice Lumumba" races ¬¬po¬lagalsya headquarters caravan exhibition of products manufactured pred¬¬¬pri¬ni¬matelyami Siberia shop.
caravan had to pass on ¬sever three and a half thousand ki¬lometrov visit as a relatively large settlements, such as Tomsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Sa¬le¬¬hard and small, where you can get a load of only a short period of navigation.
during the day the court caravan moored to the Settlements. We torgo¬vali and negotiated the nalazhi¬vanii there pos¬to¬yannyh ekonomiches¬kih svya¬zey. Moved, usually at night. If weather conditions do not allow us to move along the river, in adverse weather Staff boat ashore to the nearest settlement, and we organized evenings for local youth. There me¬ropriyatiya like - a rarity. Clubs and the House of Culture in recent years very ¬obvetshali. Kultmeropriyatiya them almost pro¬vo¬dyatsya.¬
Sometimes during the course of day did not meet any, even small, settlement. Only one taiga along the banks of the river - the only transportation artery for many kilometers. I then still was unaware that one of these kilometers are waiting for me a meeting that would change my life.
One day, when we were already obrat¬nym course - to Novosibirsk, I raspo¬rya¬dilsya approach the headquarters ship to shore in a small, just ¬neskolko houses, villages on ¬desyatki kilo¬metrov remote from large nase¬lёn¬nyh points. Parking planned for three hours to the ship the team could look like on the ground, and the locals, buy our goods and pro¬dukty different, and we have them on the cheap, taiga wild plants and fish. During the stay to me, as a leader, we have addressed a very strange request two, as I then ¬reshil, local old man. One po¬starshe, the other younger. Senior - old man with a long gray beard - was silent all the time. He said he is younger. He tried to persuade me to give them ¬chelovek pyat¬desyat (in the team of the ship was only five shest¬desyat), which they would themselves lead to the taiga, for dva¬dtsat five kilometers from the ship parking. Tale deep into the taiga to cut down, as they put it, the ringing cedar. Cedar, the height of which, with his own words, has reached forty meters pred¬laga¬los more and sawed into pieces that will be on hand to carry out the ship. Pick up we were certainly all. Every part of the old man advised to cut it even more small pieces, one at a time to take him, and the rest give to the relatives, friends and all those who wish to receive them as a gift. The old man govo¬ril that this unusual cedar. Slice it should be worn on the chest on a string. And it needs to be put on standing barefoot on the grass, ¬ladonyu left hand pressed to his chest obna¬zhёnnoy. A minute later pochuvs¬tvuetsya pleasant iskho¬dyaschee of cedar heat, then the body will run shivers easy. Vre¬meni time from when the desire to appear, you need to polish your fingertips the side piece of cedar, koto¬raya does not touch the body, pri¬derzhivaya bol¬shimi fingers for the other side. The old man confidently Utwe-rzhdal that within three months chelo¬vek with a piece of Ringing Cedars, feel great uluch¬shenie-being cured of many diseases.
- Even from AIDS? - I asked, telling them briefly about the disease that he knew from the press.
The old man replied confidently:
- From any disease!
But this is, in his opinion, it was an easy task. The main thing was that the person who has a piece of this, become kinder, more successful, talantlivee.¬
about the healing properties of our si¬bir¬skogo taёzh¬¬nogo cedar I knew a little bit, but so that he could influence the feelings, the ability - it it seemed to me very unlikely. I thought, "Maybe the old ¬hotyat get with me for the money as they see themselves, unusual cedar?". And I began to ob¬yasnyat them that "high ground" in order to please, women wear jewelry of gold and silver and some of wood will not pay the money, because I do not go to any expenses.
- Wear no knowing - was the answer. - Gold - dust on srav¬neniyu with one piece of this cedar, but the money for it, we do not need any, we can still give you the dried mushrooms, and we do not need anything ...
Do not argue becoming out of respect for their old age, I said, : ¬
- Well, maybe someone will become no¬¬sit piece of cedar ... will you wear if the great master thread will make your hand and create something beautiful ne¬obychno ...
But this old man
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
been ringing off cedarin the spring of 1994, i have зафрахтованы three river тепло¬хода, which i did четырёх¬месячную expedition on the siberian river ob from novosibirsk to салеха¬р¬да and back. the expedition is ¬на¬ла¬живание ре¬гионами economic ties with the north.the expedition was called the "купе¬ч嬬с¬кий brass chasing. most of the тепло¬хо¬дов passenger, "patrice лу¬му¬м¬ба». (west siberian river ¬пароходстве interesting назы¬ваются теп¬лоходы: maria ульянова», "patrice лумумба»," michael кали¬нин» like other historical figures and were not.) on the vessel "patrice лумумба» headquarters рас¬¬по¬лагался caravan exhibition products пре䬬¬при¬ни¬мателями siberia, shop.каравану would go on ¬север three and a half thousand ки¬лометров, visit the relatively large cities, such as the tomsk, nizhnevartovsk, khanty mansiysk, са¬л嬬хард, and small, where access to cargo can only in a short period of navigation.during the day the court причаливали by caravan to items. we торго¬вали and negotiated налажи¬вании there пос¬то¬янных экономичес¬ких свя¬зей. the open, usually at night. if метеоусловия prevented us from moving on the river, in adverse weather причаливал command ship to the nearest населённому item, and we had a night of rest for the local youth. there"s such ме¬роприятия is rare. clubs and home culture lately very ¬обветшали. культмероприятия they almost don"t про¬во¬дятся.¬sometimes for days of not seen no one, even a small, densely populated item. only one taiga along the bank of a river is the only transport artery for many miles. i was unaware that one of those miles"s meeting that my life would change forever.one day, when we were already обрат¬ным course at novosibirsk, i распо¬ря¬дился moor a ship to the shore a little, just a ¬несколько houses, villages, ¬десятки кило¬метров remote from large насе¬лён¬ных items. the parking lot is scheduled for three hours to the ship to go to earth, and local residents to purchase, we have different products and про¬дукты, but we have cheap, таёжные дикоросы and fish. at the time of parking, to me, like the head, have a very strange request, two, as i ¬решил, local old man. one по¬старше, another younger. senior man with a white beard is kept all the time. he said that the younger. he asked me to give them ¬человек пять¬десят (command ship was шесть¬десят five), which they were themselves lead thanks. "poo is", about five kilometers from the parking два¬дцать liner. drive into the forest to cut down, as they say, is been ringing off cedar. cedar, the height of which, with its well
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..