1. Описание
1.1 Плавучая регазификационная установка («Судно») нижеуказанного класса.
1.2 Судну будет присвоен Строительный номер верфи [], оно должно быть построено, оборудовано и закончено постройкой в соответствии с нижеследующими документами, приложенными к настоящему Контракту и подписанными каждой из его сторон (далее в совокупности именуемые «Спецификации»), которые являются неотъемлемой частью настоящего Контракта:
(a) Спецификация № ;
(b) Ведомость Исполнителя от («Ведомость Исполнителя»);
(c) Компоновочный чертеж, Чертеж № ;
(d) [и т.д.]
2. Класс
2.1 Судно, включая корпус, машины и механизмы, а также оборудование, должны строиться согласно очередному освидетельствованию в соответствии с классификацией Российского морского регистра судоходства, и [●] (далее - «Классификационное общество»), и должно быть обозначено в регистровой книге символами класса:
2.2 Строитель обязуется совместно с Классификационным обществом организовать назначение Классификационным обществом представителя или представителей («Классификационный сюрвейер») на Судно в период его строительства.
2.3 Все гонорары и сборы, включая гонорары, сборы и расходы Классификационного сюрвейера, в отношении соблюдения Правил и норм (определение приводится в статье 3), производятся за счет Строителя. Строитель обязуется без оплаты предоставить все производственные, трудовые и материальные ресурсы, необходимые для безопасного и удобного проведения какой-либо проверки со стороны Классификационного общества.
2.4 Решения головного офиса Классификационного общества в [●] в отношении соблюдения или несоблюдения Классификационных правил и норм будет являться для сторон настоящего Контракта окончательным и обязательным.
2.5 Строитель должен обеспечить, чтобы все оборудование и материалы, поставляемые ПОСТАВЩИКАМИ, которые должны быть одобрены КЛАССИФИКАЦИОННЫМ ОБЩЕСТВОМ, имели соответствующие сертификаты КЛАССИФИКАЦИОННОГО ОБЩЕСТВА
3. Правила и нормы
3.1 Проект судна, материалы для его постройки, строительство, установка оборудования, подготовка к эксплуатации должны быть проведены таким образом, чтобы по всем критериям соответствовать всем применимым правилам, нормам, положениям и предписаниям, предусмотренным в Спецификациях, включая дополнения и изменения, которые были опубликованы и ратифицированы по состоянию на дату подписания настоящего Контракта, при этом дата их обязательного применения не может быть позднее даты поставки Судна («Правила и нормы»).
3.2 Правила и нормы включают все обязательные изменения и дополнительные правила либо циркуляры, которые были опубликованы и ратифицированы на дату подписания настоящего Контракта в качестве обязательно действующих в период до даты поставки Судна включительно.
3.3 В случае противоречия или несоответствия действует наиболее строгая норма, при условии отсутствия нарушений Государства флага. При возникновении вышеуказанного нарушения Строитель обязан уведомить Покупателя, после чего Покупатель принимает решение о том, которая из норм подлежит применению. Ответственность за последствия вышеуказанного решения несет Покупатель.
4. Основные элементы и габаритные размеры Судна
4.1 Основные элементы Судна должны соответствовать нижеследующим пунктам. В отсутствие где-либо положений, в явной форме устанавливающих иное, все единицы измерения приводятся в метрической системе.
4.2 Основные габариты
Длина наибольшая Примерно м
Длина между перпендикулярами Примерно м
Ширина теоретическая м
Высота борта теоретическая м
Расчетная осадка теоретическая м
Максимальная осадка теоретическая м
4.3 Оборудование
Главный двигатель:
Мощность энергетической установки эффективной мощности в л.с. при оборотов в минуту
Номинальная непрерывная мощность эффективной мощности в л.с. при оборотов в минуту
Все необходимое дополнительное оборудование в машинном отделении, механизмы рулевого устройства, палубные механизмы и т.д. поставляются и устанавливаются в соответствии со Спецификациями.
4.4 Дедвейт ( )
(a) А именно:
Дедвейт при расчетной осадке теоретической т («Гарантированный дедвейт»)
Дедвейт при максимальной осадке теоретической т
(b) Выраженное в метрических тоннах фактическое значение дедвейта Судна основывается на расчетах Строителя в соответствии со Спецификациями, при этом все измерения, необходимые для вышеуказанных расчетов, производятся в присутствии Контролера Покупателя или уполномоченного представителя Покупателя. При возникновении между Строителем и Покупателем какого-либо спора в отношении измерений и/или расчетов, вопрос передается в головной офис Классификационного общества в [●], решение которого является для сторон настоящего Контракта окончательным и обязательным.
4.5 Скорость и потребление
Судно способно развивать скорость не менее узлов[рассчитывается в соответствии с разделом ], согласно Спецификации («Гарантированная скорость»).
Судно должно соответствовать [укажите параметры гарантированного потребления] («Гарантированное потребление»).
5. Флаг
5.1 Сторонами согласовано, что Судно будет построено для плавания под флагом []. («Государство флага»), а также для осуществления Покупателем регистрации в [].
5.2 Покупатель вправе изменить Государство флага. Если вышеуказанное изменение доводится до Строителя не позднее [●], Покупатель дополнительную оплату не производит. Если вышеуказанное изменение доводится до Строителя позднее [●], в его отношении требуется согласие Строителя, которое не м
Article I-Description And CLASS1. Description1.1 Floating regazifikacionnaâ installation ("vessel") the following class.1.2 Building room will be assigned to a ship yard [], it shall be constructed, equipped and completed construction in accordance with the following documents attached to this contract and signed by each of the parties (hereinafter collectively the "specification"), which are an integral part of this contract:(a) specification no. ;(b) a statement of the Executive Director of ("statement of the Executive Director");(c) the Layout drawing, Drawing No. ;(d) [etc.]2. Class2.1 the vessel, including the hull, machinery and equipment, should be built according to the next inspection in accordance with the classification of the Russian Maritime Register of shipping, and [●] (the "society"), and shall be indicated in the register kept by the class:[●]2.2 the Builder shall, together with the classification society assign a classification society representative or representatives ("Classification surveyor") on the Vessel during its construction.2.3 all fees and charges, including fees, charges and expenses of the classification surveyor, regarding compliance with the rules and regulations (the definition in article 3), are paid by the Builder. The Builder shall provide free of charge all the production, labor and material resources necessary for secure and convenient for any verification of the classification society.2.4 the Decision of the Head Office of classification society in [●] in respect of the compliance or non-compliance of classification rules and regulations will be for the parties to this contract is final and binding.2.5 Builder must ensure that all equipment and materials supplied by suppliers, which must be approved by the CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY should have the relevant certificates of CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY3. Rules and regulations3.1 the ship design, materials for construction, building, installation of equipment, preparations for the operation should be carried out in such a way that all the criteria conform to all applicable rules, regulations, terms and conditions as those set out in the specifications, including the additions and changes that have been published and ratified as of the date of the signing of this contract, with the date of mandatory application cannot be later than the date of delivery of the ship ("rules and regulations").3.2 rules and regulations include all the required changes and additional guidelines or circulars that have been published and ratified at the date of signature of this Contract as a necessarily existing in the period up to the date of delivery of the vessel, inclusive.3.3 in the event of a conflict or inconsistency is the most restrictive standard, provided that there is no violation of the flag State. In case of violation of the Builder is required to notify the Buyer, and the buyer decides which of the rules to be applied. The responsibility for the consequences of that decision shall be borne by the buyer.4. Main elements and dimensions of the vessel4.1 the basic elements of the vessel shall conform to the following paragraphs. In the absence of any provision expressly stipulating otherwise, all measurements are given in the metric system.4.2 main dimensionsOverall length Approximately mLength between perpendiculars About mTheoretical m widthDepth moulded mThe estimated draught theoretical mMaximum draught theoretical m4.3 EquipmentMain engine: Power plant effective power in PS revolutions per minuteRMS continuous power effective power in PS revolutions per minuteAll necessary additional equipment in the engine room, the mechanisms of the steering gear, deck machinery, etc. are supplied and installed according to specifications.4.4 deadweight ()(a) as follows:Deadweight with draught designed theoretical tons (deadweight tonnage "guaranteed")Deadweight with draught of maximum theoretical t(b) Expressed in metric tons of deadweight of the vessel actual value is based on calculations of the Builder in accordance with specifications, with all the measurements required for the above calculations are made in the presence of the controller of the buyer or buyer's authorized representative. If you have between the Builder and the purchaser of any dispute in relation to measurements and/or calculations, the matter is referred to the classification society's head office in [●], a decision which is for the parties to this contract is final and binding.4.5 Speed and consumptionCraft capable of a speed of at least nodes [shall be calculated in accordance with section ], according to the spec ("Guaranteed rate").The vessel shall be [specify the parameters guaranteed consumption] ("Guaranteed intake").5. flag5.1 the parties agreed that the vessel would be built for sailing under the flag of []. (The "flag State"), as well as for Buyer registration [].5.2. The buyer is entitled to change the State flag. If the above changes shall be brought to the Builder not later than [●], the buyer extra charge does not. If the above changes shall be brought to the Builder's later than [●], the consent Builder that is not m
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

1. Description
1.1 The floating regasification unit ("Vessel") class below.
1.2 The vessel will be assigned a number Shipyard Building [], it must be built, equipped and completed the construction in accordance with the following documents attached hereto and signed by each of the parties ( hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Specifications") which are an integral part of this Contract:
(A) Specification number;
(b) Statement by the Contractor («Statement of the Contractor");
(C) arrangement drawing, drawings number;
(D) [etc.]
2. Class
2.1 The vessel, including housing, machinery and equipment should be designed according to the next inspection in accordance with the classification of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, and [●] (hereinafter - "Classification Society"), and shall be indicated in the register symbols Class:
2.2 Construction undertakes together with the Classification Society to organize the appointment of the Classification Society representative or representatives ("Classification surveyor") on the vessel during its construction.
2.3 All fees and charges, including fees, charges and expenses of the Classification surveyor regarding compliance rules and regulations (as defined in Article 3), shall be borne by the Builder. A builder agrees to provide all unpaid production, labor and material resources necessary for the safe and convenient to carry out any inspection by the Classification Society.
2.4 Decisions of the head office of classification societies [●] with respect to compliance or non-compliance with classification rules and regulations will be to parties to this Contract be final and binding.
2.5 The builder must ensure that all equipment and materials supplied by suppliers who must be approved by classification societies have appropriate certificates CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY
3. Rules and regulations
3.1 Project vessel, materials for its construction, construction, installation, preparation for operation must be carried out in such a way that all the criteria comply with all applicable rules, regulations, terms and provisions set out in the specification, including additions and changes which were published and ratified as of the date of signing of this Contract, and the date of their mandatory application may not be later than the date of delivery of the vessel ("Rules and Regulations").
3.2 Rules and regulations include all required changes and additional regulations or circulars which have been published and ratified by the date of signature of this Agreement as necessary action in the period before the date of delivery of the ship, inclusive.
3.3 In the event of conflict or inconsistency operates the most stringent regulations in the absence of violations of the flag State. If you have any of the above violations Builder shall notify the Purchaser, then the Purchaser shall decide which of the standards to be applied. Responsibility for the consequences of the above decision of the Buyer.
4. Main elements and dimensions of the Vessel
4.1 Key elements of the vessel shall comply with the following paragraphs. In the absence of anywhere provisions expressly specified otherwise, all units are in the metric system.
4.2 Main dimensions
Length overall Around m
Length between perpendiculars About m
Width theoretical m
Depth theoretical m
Estimated sediment m theoretical
maximum sediment theoretical m
4.3 Equipment
Main Engine:
Power plant capacity effektivnoy horsepower when rpm
Rated continuous power effektivnoy horsepower when rpm
Everything you need additional equipment in the engine room, steering gear mechanisms, deck machinery, etc. supplied and installed in accordance with the specifications.
4.4 Deadweight ()
(A), namely:
Deadweight at design draft theoretical t ("Guaranteed deadweight")
Deadweight at maximum draft theoretical t
(b) Expressed in metric tons deadweight actual value based on calculations of the Builder in accordance with the specification, all measurements necessary for the above calculations are made in the presence of the Comptroller of the Buyer or the Buyer's authorized representative. In the event between the builder and the buyer of any dispute regarding the measurement and / or calculations, the matter is referred to the head office of classification societies [●], the solution of which is for the parties to this Contract be final and binding.
4.5 Speed and consumption
vessel is capable of a speed of not less nodes [calculated in accordance with section ], according to the specification ("guaranteed rate").
The vessel must comply with [specify the parameters of the guaranteed consumption] ("Guaranteed Consumption").
5. Flag
5.1 Parties agreed that the vessel will be built for sailing under the flag of []. ("Flag State"), as well as for the buyer registration in [].
5.2 The buyer has the right to change the flag State. If the above change is communicated to the Builder no later than [●], the Buyer does not make an additional payment. If the above change is communicated to the Builder within [●], in his attitude requires the consent of builders who do not m
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

1. Description
1.1 floating регазификационная install ( "Vessel") attempting class.
1.2 a vessel will be assigned ship construction number (], it should not be built,Equipped and finished historicism in accordance with the following documents attached to this contract and signed by each of the parties (collectively hereinafter referred to as the "Specifications" ),Which are an integral part of this contract:
(a) specification No. ;
(b) The statement of Executive Director of ( "Statement of Executive Director" ) ;
(c) cuts drawing, drawing no. ;
(d) (and, etc. )
2. Class
2.1 a vessel, including the housing,Machines and mechanisms, as well as equipment, must be built according to another examination in accordance with the nomenclature Russian maritime register of shipping,And [∙] (hereinafter - "The classification society" ), and should be indicated by a registered book characters class:
2.2 Construction Worker undertakes in conjunction with the classification society to organize the classification society representative or representatives ( "classification сюрвеиер") on to the vessel at the time of its
2.3 All fees and charges, including fees, charges, and costs classification reloading, to respect the rules and norms (the definition is given in article 3), produced by constructor.Construction Worker undertakes without pay to provide all production, labor and material resources necessary for the safe and convenient for any verification of the classification society.
2.4 Solutions head office classification society in [- in regard to compliance or non-compliance with classification rules and the rules will be for the parties to this contract shall be final and binding.
2.5 Civil Engineer must ensure that all of the equipment and materials provided by suppliers, which must be approved by classification society,Have the appropriate certificates classification society
3. Rules and Regulations
3.1 Draft vessel, materials for its construction, construction, installation of equipment,Preparing for operation must be carried out in such a way as to ensure that the all of the criteria to comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and the provisions of the regulations, as provided in the specifications,Including additions and changes, which have been published and ratified as at the date of the signing of the present contract,The date of their binding application may not be later than the date of delivery of a ship (the "Rules and Regulations" ) .
3.2 rules and regulations shall include all of the required changes and additional rules or circulars,Which have been published and ratified at the date of the signing of the contract, this as a necessarily existing in the period prior to the date of delivery of a ship inclusive.
3.3 In the case of any conflict or inconsistency is the most strict rule, in the absence of the flag State. If you have the above-mentioned violations of construction shall be obliged to notify the Customer,After which the buyer takes the decision, which shall be subject to the application of the rules. Responsibility for the consequences of the above-mentioned decision bears the buyer.
4. The main elements and dimensions of a ship
4.1 The main elements of a ship must comply with the following items. Where in the absence of any provisions, in explicit form establishing otherwise, all units of measurement are given in the metric system.
4.2 The major dimensions
length the largest approximately m
length between corresponding approximately m
Width theoretical м
Height bead theoretical м
calculated sediment theoretical м
The maximum sediment theoretical м
4.3 Equipment
main engine:
power эффективнои horsepower when revolutions per minute
Rated continuous power эффективнои horsepower. When revolutions per minute
all necessary auxiliary equipment in the machinery space, mechanisms for steering device, decked vessels mechanisms, etc..Are supplied and installed in accordance with specifications.
4.4 Crew ( )
(a) namely:
crew at rated stern theoretical , etc. (the "guaranteed crew" )
crew with the maximum theoretical helm, etc.
(b) Expressed in metric tons the actual value company's fleet of aircraft is based on the calculations constructor in accordance with the specifications, and all measurements necessary for the above-mentioned calculations,Are produced in the presence of the Controller Buyer or Buyer's authorized representative. If you have between Penny and a buyer of any dispute with respect to measurements and/or calculations,The matter is referred to the head office classification society in [∙], the solution of which is for the parties to this contract shall be final and binding.
4.5 speed and consumption
The vessel capable of a speed not less than hosts[is calculated in accordance with section ., according to specifications ( "Guaranteed rate" ) .
The vessel must comply with (specify the options guaranteed consumption ( "guaranteed consumption" ) .
5. Flag
5.1 The parties agreed that the vessel will be built for cruising under the flag [].( "The State flag" ), as well as for the implementation of the Buyer registration in [.
5.2 the buyer shall be entitled to change the state flag. If the above change is brought to Constructor not later than [∙],The buyer an additional payment does not occur. If the above change is brought to Constructor later [∙., in its relations requires the consent constructor, which is not m
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