Нам повезло. Мы были одними из первых гостей отеля. Семья с взрослой д 번역 - Нам повезло. Мы были одними из первых гостей отеля. Семья с взрослой д 영어 말하는 방법

Нам повезло. Мы были одними из перв

Нам повезло. Мы были одними из первых гостей отеля. Семья с взрослой дочерью, с 12 летней дочерью и малышкой 9 месяцев. Очень сомневались, опасались,но нас не в чем не обманули и нам очень понравилось. Рекомендуем! Дикий остров-отель (везде белый песок, кроме вилл, ресторана и около бассейна - там доски/паркет). Удобные пляжи, общие и частные для каждой виллы у моря. Много экзотичной зелени. Безопасное и очень красивое море, удобное и для детей и для взрослых. Комфортные, большие виллы с кондиционером, телевизором ( русский канал), джакузи, терраса, персональные лежаки и выход к морю (не более10 м). Все новое. Все работало. На территории бассейн, два детских бассейна, удобный и красивы общий пляж. Бесплатно маски, трубки, ласты, каноэ. Вкусное и разнообразное питание ( у нас было "все включено"). Это не турецкое или египетское изобилие, но выбор есть и за 8 ночей всё менялось. Фрукты: от яблок,груш, арбузоа, желтой и зеленой дыни, до папайи, манго и рамбутана. 6-10 разных изысканных десертов, на обед и ужин. Свежая выпечка на завтрак. Горячее от шеф повара Иншаха... Бесплатно соки (пакетирование), безалкогольные коктейли, пиво, вино (местное), газировка, чай, кофе, вода. Народу почти нет. Первые дни 30 гостей на острове. Потом прибавилось до 160, но практически не заметно. Кажется пустынно. Треть гостей русско говорящие из разных стран. Треть - китайцы (новый год). Много детей.со всего света. Ежедневная уборка в номерах и территории каждой виллы. Встреча/проводы в Мале и транзит на гидросамолёте - всё достойно и комфортно даже с 9 месячным путешественником. Никаких поборов, всё в кассу, честно и с улыбкой. В дайвинг центре отеля есть русско говорящий сотрудник. Можно пользоваться. СПА, слабеньким тренажёрным бесплатным залом, яхтами, но нам надо было походить босиком по песку даже в ресторан), выспаться, подышать морским воздухов, загореть и накупаться, сняв московский стресс и пережить грипп на Родине. Мелкие недостатки есть, но их устранят или не стоит внимания
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
We were lucky. We were one of the first guests. A family with an adult daughter, 12 year old daughter and baby 9 months. Really doubted feared, but we will not be deceived and we really liked it. Recommend! Wild Island Hotel (white sand everywhere, except villas, restaurants and poolside-there boards/parquet). Convenient beaches, public and private, for each of the villas near the sea. Many exotic Greens. Safe and very beautiful sea, good for children and for adults. Comfortable, large villas with air conditioning, tv (Russian channel), Jacuzzi, terrace, private sun beds and access to the Sea (not over 10 m). All new. Everything worked. On site swimming pool, two children's pools, convenient and beautiful shared beach. Free masks, snorkels, fins, canoes. Delicious and varied meals (we had "all inclusive"). This is not Turkish or Egyptian abundance, but the choice is there for 8 nights and everything changed. Fruit: from apples, pears, arbuzoa, yellow and green melons to papaya, mango and rambutana. 6-10 assorted gourmet desserts, for lunch and dinner. Fresh pastries for breakfast. Hot from the chef Inšaha ... Free juices (packaging), non-alcoholic cocktails, beer, wine (local), soda, tea, coffee, water. There are almost no people. The early days of 30 guests on the island. Then added up to 160, but practically not noticeable. It seems deserted. A third Russian speaking guests from different countries. A third Chinese (new year). A lot of kids. from all over the world. Daily cleaning in rooms and in each villa. Meeting/seeing-off in Malé and transit at the float plane-all dignified and comfortable even with 9 month old traveler. No fees, all in cash, honestly and with a smile. The diving centre offers Russian speaking staff member. You can use it. SPA, gym, free room, weak yachts, but we had to resemble barefoot on the sand, even restaurant), sleep, breathe sea air flow meters, Tan and swim, clearing Moscow stress and survive the flu at home. Minor deficiencies are, but their resolve or not worth attention
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
We were lucky. We were among the first guests. Family with adult daughter, 12-year-old daughter and a baby 9 months. I doubt very much afraid, but we have nothing are not deceived, and we really liked. Recommended! Wild Island Hotel (all white sand, besides villas, restaurant and around the swimming pool - there is board / parquet). Convenient beaches, public and private for each villa by the sea. Many exotic greenery. Safe and very beautiful sea, convenient for both children and adults. Comfortable, large villas with air conditioning, TV (Russian channel), jacuzzi, terrace, sunbeds and personal access to the sea (no more than 10 m). All new. Everything worked. On the territory of a swimming pool, two children's pools, comfortable and beautiful public beach. Free mask, snorkel, fins, canoeing. Tasty and varied food (we had "all inclusive"). It is not the Turkish or Egyptian abundance, but the choice is there for 8 nights and everything changed. Fruits: apples, pears, arbuzoa, yellow and green melon, papaya to mango and rambutan. 6-10 different delicious desserts for lunch and dinner. Fresh pastries for breakfast. Hot from the chef ... Inshaha free juices (packaging), soft drinks, beer, wine (local), soda, tea, coffee, water. People almost there. The first days of 30 guests on the island. Then it increased to 160, but is almost negligible. It seems deserted. One-third of Russian-speaking visitors from different countries. Third - Chinese (New Year). Many detey.so all over the world. Daily cleaning of rooms and area of ​​each villa. Pick up / drop off at Male and transit seaplane - all worthy and comfortable even with a 9 month old traveler. No extortion, all in cash, honestly and with a smile. The diving center of the hotel have Russian speaking staff. You can use. SPA, weak free fitness room, yachts, but we had to walk barefoot in the sand, even in restaurants), sleep, breathe in the sea air, tan and nakupatsya, removing stress and Moscow to survive the flu at home. Minor deficiencies are, but they will eliminate, or not worth the attention
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
we were lucky. we were among the first guests. a family with adult daughter, 12 year old daughter and baby for 9 months. very doubt, fear, but we not deceived and we loved it. recommend! wild island hotel (all white sand, in addition to villas, restaurants and some caribbean's board / night). comfortable beaches, general and specific for each villa by the sea. many exotic herbs. safe and beautiful sea, suitable for children and for adults. comfortable, big villas, with air conditioning, tv (english channel), a jacuzzi and a terrace with sun beds and an outlet to the sea (not более10 m). all new. it worked. in the pool, two children's pool, convenient and beautiful, the beach. free masks, tubes, fins, canoeing. delicious and diverse food (we had "all inclusive"). it's not the turkish and egyptian abundance, but the choice is for 8 nights, everything changed. fruits: apples, pears, арбузоа, yellow and green melon, papaya, mango and рамбутана. 6 - 10 different exquisite dessert at lunch and dinner. fresh pastries for breakfast. hot from the chef иншаха... free sookie (packing), soft drinks, beer, wine (local), soda, tea, coffee, water. almost no people. the first days of 30 guests on the island. then new to 160, but almost not noticeable. it seems deserted. a third of the guests from different countries. third, the chinese new year). a lot of детей.со all over the world. daily cleaning of the rooms and the territory of each villa. meeting / departure in male 'and transit to гидросамолёте is dignified and comfortable even with 9 month wanderers. no burdens all the honestly and with a smile. in the diving center is a russian officer. you can use. spa sauna, weak free hall, yachts, but we have to walk barefoot on the sand even in a restaurant), sleep, take a воздухов, tan and накупаться, relieving the stress and survive the flu at home. mel
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
다른 언어
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