Здравствуйте!Я думвю вы очень интересный молодой человек.У вас в анкете написанно,что вы хотите познакомиться с девушкой для создания семьи.Вы наверное не обратили внимание,что я на 14 лет старше вас?Поэтому речь может быть только о простой,дружеской пепеписки.
Hello! I dumvû you a very interesting young man. you have written in the questionnaire that you want to meet with a girl, to create family. you may not have noticed that I'm at 14 years older than you are? So it can only be on a simple, friendly pepepiski.
Hello, I dumvyu you a very interesting young chelovek.A profile send you what you want to meet a girl to create semi.Vy probably not notice that I'm 14 years older than you? Therefore, it can only be a simple, friendly pepepiski .
hello! i думвю you very interesting young человек.у you in written form, what do you want to meet a girl for a семьи.вы probably haven't noticed, i was 14 years older than you?therefore, it can be simple, friendly пепеписки.