As the weather in Tomsk?
Very cold! We have winter, snowing, the temperature is about -4 Wow, so cold! In Korea, in autumn, we still wear short clothes Lucky you! And why did you decide to call me? I'm doing a TV show and these people want to hear, as I say in Russian! Haha your Russian is poor smile 이모티콘 Do not say that! Recording is already underway Yes, I'm sorry I find it easier to communicate in English but they are very keen to hear what we say in Russian Yeah, of course Last Friday I went to Taean to make the photo daewoo bf101 84, but nothing came of Bf101? More alive? Yeah, I heard that he was alive a few years ago, but my arrival was gone. It is clear, we should go to Myanmar next year is required! As you know, there is still work fb485 rb520 bf101
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