Good afternoon!
With the onset of cold weather, there are many applications for malfunction seat heating element!
I ask you to provide the method of testing performance seat heating element to avoid undue material removal seat at the wrong diagnosis of the problem.
Namely, we need to know:
1.Soprotivlenie back.
2.Soprotivlenie pillows.
3.Soprotivlenie and backrest cushions and assembly.
4.Moschnost heating element.
5.Tsikly working thermostat, a temperature of on, off, restart time.
6.Napryazhenie supplied to the heating and current on the power supply when checking the efficiency of heating element.
The data provided previously not informative, and make it impossible to correctly diagnose the problem heating element.
Answers to these questions will ask you to provide all participants in the correspondence.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..