Сдавала основные: русский, математика(нужна только базовая, но я перес 번역 - Сдавала основные: русский, математика(нужна только базовая, но я перес 영어 말하는 방법

Сдавала основные: русский, математи

Сдавала основные: русский, математика(нужна только базовая, но я перестраховалась и сдавала профильную тоже), историю и английский. Общий балл считаю из трёх предметов—Русский, История, английский. Математику нужно просто перевалить через порог, высоченные баллы не требуются, потому что они даже не суммируются именно на этот факультет.
Преподаватели совершенно все разные: есть слишком требовательные, есть нудные, есть те, которые просто свои пары утром просыпает. Есть те, конечно, с которыми язык учить приятно и интересно. Так что тут как карта ляжет, что называется.
Так обмен я ничего не слышала, это нужно у департамента нашей школы узнавать(ВИ-ШРМИ). Но зато есть стажировки. Что они из себя представляют? Можно на полгода, а можно на год. Учёба—бесплатная, но за проживание в общежитиях довольно дорогое( точную цену я уже не помню, но если интересно, я могу уточнить у девчонок, которые уже уехали туда). А так же сам платишь себе за питание:завтрак,обед, ужин.
Учеба (именно на таком факультете, где учусь я) стоит 140 500р в год. Но я подозреваю, что на след.год цену ещё повысят. Так как в том году на этой специальности Учеба стоила 132т.р.( то есть за год +8000).
다음 언어를 번역: -
다음 언어로 번역: -
결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
They took the main: Russian, mathematics (only need basic, but I perestrahovalas′ and surrendered the profile too), history and English. The total score of the three subjects — think Russian, History, and English. Math you need to just get through the threshold period scores are not required, because they don't even summed up this Department. Teachers absolutely everyone is different: there are too demanding, there are tedious, there are those that just their morning pairs wakes. There are those, of course, with which language learning enjoyable and interesting. So here is how the map will form what is called.So I heard nothing Exchange, this must be the Department of our school to learn (WEE-ŠRMI). But there is an internship. What they are? Can be for half a year, and it is possible for a year. Learning is free, but for the accommodation is quite expensive (the exact price I no longer remember, but I wonder if I can ask the girls who have gone there). As well as myself pay for meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner.Studies (on such faculty, where I study I) worth 140 polymeric by-products per year. But I suspect that the next year the price increase more. Since that year, this specialty Studies cost 132t (i.e. +8000 per year).
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Handed major: Russian, mathematics (only need a basic, but I play it safe and hand over the profile, too), history and English. The total score of the three things I think, Russian, History, English. Math just need to cross the threshold, tall scores are not required, because they do not even summarized it this Faculty.
Teachers perfectly all different: there are too demanding, there is boring, there are those who simply pair their wakes in the morning. There are those, of course, that language learning enjoyable and interesting. So then the card will fall, as they say.
So the exchange I did not hear anything, it should be in our school department to learn (VI-SHRMI). But there is an internship. What are they like? It can be for six months, and it is possible for a year. Learning-free, but (I do not remember the exact price, but if you're interested, I can check with girls who have gone there) for accommodation in hostels rather expensive. And as he himself pay for food:. Breakfast, lunch, dinner
Study (on such faculty, where I study) is worth 140 500 rubles per year. But I suspect that sled.god price will increase more. Since that year, this specialty Study 132t.r. cost (ie for the year 8000).
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
i took the key, english, mathematics (need only basic, but i was too перестраховалась and substantive), history and english. the total score is from three subjects - english, history, english. math just to get it over the threshold, высоченные scores are not required, because they don"t add up exactly to the faculty.the teachers are all different, too demanding, is boring, there are those who just their couples in the morning просыпает. there are those, of course, that language teach nice and interesting. so that"s how the map will be what is called.this exchange, i heard nothing, it need the department of our school to learn (v - шрми). but we have internships. what are they? could be six months or a year. education is free, but for accommodation in halls of residence (the exact price is quite expensive, i can"t remember, but if you like, i can check with girls who have left there). and just as you pay for meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner.studies on such faculty, where am i worth 140 500р per year. but i suspect that the след.год price"s increase. since that year the school was in 132т.р. (that is, for the year 8000).
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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