From: RosCo | Consulting & audit [] Sent: Tuesda 번역 - From: RosCo | Consulting & audit [] Sent: Tuesda 영어 말하는 방법

From: RosCo | Consulting & audit [m

From: RosCo | Consulting & audit []
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:18 PM
To: Cheol-Heui Jeong

Уважаемый Джонг Чоль Хи, добрый день!
В связи с изменениями в законодательстве Российской Федерации с 1 января 2015 г. обращаю Ваше внимание на нижеследующее:

- Согласно внесенным поправкам с 01 января 2015 года Федеральная налоговая служба (ФНС России) является уполномоченным федеральным органом исполнительной власти, осуществляющим аккредитацию филиалов, представительств иностранных юридических лиц (за исключением представительств иностранных кредитных организаций и представительств иностранных юридических лиц, осуществляющих деятельность в области гражданской авиации).

- Филиалы, представительства иностранных юридических лиц, которые были аккредитованы/осуществляли деятельность на основании разрешения на открытие представительств на территории РФ до 01.01.2015 и у которых срок действия аккредитации/разрешения не истечет до 01.04.2015, обязаны в срок до 01.04.2015 представить сведения в ФНС РФ для внесения в государственный реестр аккредитованных филиалов, представительств иностранных юридических лиц.

- Сведения для внесения в реестр представляются по формам и в порядке, утвержденным законодательством Российской Федерации. Государственная пошлина за внесение сведений в реестр не взимается.

- Филиалы и представительства иностранных юридических лиц (за исключением представительств иностранных кредитных организаций и представительств иностранных юридических лиц, осуществляющих деятельность в области гражданской авиации), которые внесены в реестр до 01.04.2015, считаются аккредитованными до окончания срока действия их аккредитации/разрешений на открытие представительств иностранных юридических лиц на территории РФ.

- С 01.04.2015 прекращается действие аккредитации филиалов, представительств иностранных юридических лиц, разрешений на открытие представительств иностранных юридических лиц (за исключением представительств иностранных кредитных организаций и представительств иностранных юридических лиц, осуществляющих деятельность в области гражданской авиации), не выполнивших вышеуказанных требований Федерального закона № 106-ФЗ.

С уважением, Юлия.
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
From: RosCo | Consulting & audit [mailto:] Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:18 PMTo: Cheol-Heui JeongSubject:! Off! URGENT!! REACCREDITATION OF ALL BRANCHES AND REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES!!! Dear Jong Chul Hee, good day!Due to changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation with the January 1, 2015 to draw your attention to the following: According to the amendment introduced January 1, 2015, the federal tax service (FTS of Russia) is the authorized federal body of executive power executing accreditation of branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities (except for representative offices of foreign credit institutions and representative offices of foreign legal entities carrying out activities in the field of civil aviation).-Branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities which have been accredited or operated on the basis of permission for opening representative office in Russia to 01.01.2015 and have a term of accreditation/approval will not expire prior to the 01.04.2015, up to 01.04.2015 are required to provide information in the FTS of RUSSIA to the State Register of accredited branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities. -Information for inclusion in the register shall be submitted on forms and in a manner established by legislation of the Russian Federation. The State fee for recording of the information in the registry is not charged.Branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities (except for representative offices of foreign credit institutions and representative offices of foreign legal entities carrying out activities in the field of civil aviation), which entered into the registry to 01.04.2015 shall be deemed to be accredited prior to the expiration date of their accreditation/permits for the opening of representative offices of foreign legal entities on the territory of the Russian Federation.-The 01.04.2015 is suspended the accreditation of branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities, permission for opening of representative offices of foreign legal entities (except for representative offices of foreign credit institutions and representative offices of foreign legal entities carrying out activities in the field of civil aviation), did not comply with the above requirements of the Federal Law No. 106-FZ. Yours sincerely, Julia.--
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
From: rosco | Consulting & audit [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:18 PM
To: Jeong Cheol-HEUI
Subject: !!! URGENT !!! Reaccreditation ALL branches and representative offices !!! Dear Jong Chul Hee, good afternoon! Due to changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation with the January 1, 2015 to draw your attention to the following: - According to an amendment to the January 1, 2015, the Federal Tax Service (FTS Russia) is an authorized federal executive authority to accredit branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities (except for representative offices of foreign credit institutions and foreign legal entities operating in the field of civil aviation). - Branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities that have been accredited / operates under a permit to open representative offices in Russia until 01.01.2015 and in which the validity of the accreditation / permit expires before 01.04.2015 are required up to 04.01.2015 to submit information to the Federal Tax Service for inclusion in the State Register of accredited branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities. - Information to be included in the registry is on the form and manner approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. State fee for entering information into the registry will be charged. - Branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities (except for representative offices of foreign credit institutions and foreign legal entities operating in the field of civil aviation), which are entered in the register before 01.04.2015 are considered accredited to expiration of their accreditation / permission to open representative offices of foreign legal entities in Russia. - On 01.04.2015 cease to be valid accreditation of branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities, permission to open representative offices of foreign legal entities (with the exception of representative offices of foreign credit institutions and foreign legal persons carrying out activities in the field of civil aviation) have not fulfilled the above requirements of the Federal Law № 106-FZ. Sincerely, Julia. -

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
From: RоsCо | Consulting & audit [mаiltо:оffiсe@rоsсо.su!
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:18 am PM
To: Cheоl-Heui Jeоng
Subject: !!! There is an urgent!!! ПЕРЕАККРЕДИТАЦИЯ all branch offices and missions !!!

Dear Jong Los Altos-hee, good day!
In connection with the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation on 1 January 2015. I draw your attention to the following:

- According to these amendments, 01 January 2015, the Federal Tax Service (FES) is authorized by federal body of executive power, exercising accreditation branch office,Representative offices of foreign legal persons (except for representative offices of foreign credit institutions and representative offices of foreign legal persons,Carrying out activities in the field of civil aviation) .Lord - branch offices, representative offices of foreign legal persons,Which have been accredited/carried out activities on the basis of a permit to open representative offices in the territory of the Russian Federation up to 01.01.2015 and from which the term of the accreditation/approval has not expired prior to 04.01.2015 ,Have an obligation to a term of up to 04.01.2015 to submit a report to the information in the Federal Tax Service of Russia for an amendment to the state register accredited affiliates and representative offices of foreign legal persons.

- Information for the register shall be submitted on forms and in the manner approved by legislation of the Russian Federation. The State tax for the particulars in the register is not charged.

- Branches and representative offices of foreign legal persons (except for representative offices of foreign credit institutions and representative offices of foreign legal persons,Carrying out activities in the field of civil aviation), which made the roster up to 04.01.2015 ,shall be deemed to be accredited prior to the expiration date of their accreditation/permission to open representative offices of foreign legal persons in the territory of the Russian Federation.Lord - from 04.01.2015 is terminated branch accreditation,Representative offices of foreign legal persons,Permits for opening representative offices of foreign legal persons (except for representative offices of foreign credit institutions and representative offices of foreign legal persons,Carrying out activities in the field of civil aviation), have not fulfilled the above requirements of federal law No. 106-FZ.

with respect, Yulia.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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