Хочу и что дальше? Они даже не посмотрят на меня, а если и посмотрят, то не на как свою будущую жену, на меня могут посмотреть только те как ты и все.
В середине сентября, когда я болела, когда у меня почти небыло голоса, он ушел не из-за того, что я болею, а из-за того что я очень сильно и долго плакала. Почему я так сильно плакала? Потому что мы сделали "это" и остались на той же точке, ничего не поменялось. Я так сильно жалела о том, что мы с тобой сделали..
Want and what's next? They don't even look at me, and if they look, not on how his future wife, I can see only those like you and all. In mid-September, when I was hurting when I have almost no voice, he left not because I am a fan, but because I'm very much and cried for a long time. Why I cried so hard? Because we did "it" and remained on the same point, nothing has changed. I had so much that we did ...
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

I want and what's next? They do not even look at me, and if they look, it is not on how his future wife, me can see only those you all.
In the middle of September, when I was sick when I almost nebylo voice, he left not out -this fact that I am a fan, but due to the fact that I am very strong and wept. Why am I crying so much? Because we have done "it" and stayed at the same point, nothing has changed. I regretted so much that we're done ..
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..

want to what? they don't even look at me, and if they don't like my future wife, i could see only you and all.in mid september, when i was sick when i almost have no voice, it's not because i'm sick, because i very much and cried a lot. why i cried so hard? because we have done it and stayed at the same point, nothing's changed. i really regret what we did to you.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..