Рассматривая защищенность человека от опасностей и травм, можно отмети 번역 - Рассматривая защищенность человека от опасностей и травм, можно отмети 영어 말하는 방법

Рассматривая защищенность человека

Рассматривая защищенность человека от опасностей и травм, можно отметить, что человеку всегда присущ инстинкт самосохранения. Однако, вместе с тем, число несчастных случаев на производстве постоянно увеличивается, и причиной этому служат следующие обстоятельства :
- особенности эволюции человека. За 20-30 тысячелетий лошадь сменила три пальца на копыто, а человек внешне остался почти таким же. При развитии техники растет число опасностей, а люди не успевают им противодействовать;
- рост цены ошибки (существует разница между падениями человека с дерева и крыши небоскреба, между ударом каменным молотком по пальцу и ударом электрического тока напряжением 10 кВ);
- адаптация человека к опасностям (ощущение комфорта в автомобиле, движущемся с высокой скоростью) и нарушениям правил безопасности. [1]
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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Considering human protection from dangers and injuries, it may be noted that a person always inherent instinct of self-preservation. However, at the same time, the number of occupational accidents is constantly increasing, and the reason for this is the following:-features of human evolution. For 20-30 millennia horse changed three fingers on the hoof, and the person outwardly remained almost the same. With the development of technology, a growing number of dangers, but people can't resist them;-price increase errors (there is a difference between human falls from the tree and the roof of a skyscraper, between hit stone with a hammer on a finger and blow an electric current with a voltage of 10 kV);-adaptation to human dangers (a feeling of comfort in a car moving at high speed) and violations of safety regulations. [1]
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Considering the protection of people from hazards and injuries, it may be noted that a person is always inherent instinct of self-preservation. However, at the same time, the number of industrial accidents is constantly increasing, and the reason for this are the following circumstances:
- Features of human evolution. 20-30 thousand years the horse had three fingers on the hoof, and the man apparently remained almost the same. With the development of technology growing number of dangers, and people do not have time to counter them;
- the growth rates of error (there is a difference between the man's fall from the tree and the roof of a skyscraper, between blow stone with a hammer on a finger and blow the electric voltage of 10 kV);
- human adaptation to the dangers (a feeling of comfort in a car moving at high speed), and violation of safety regulations. [1]
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
considering the security of rights from the dangers and injuries, it may be noted that man always has a survival instinct. however, however, the number of accidents has increased steadily.and the reason is the following circumstances:
- particularly in human evolution. in 20 - 30 years horse changed three fingers on the hoof, and man apparently remained almost the same.with the development of technology, there is a growing number of hazards, and people can counteract them;
- the rise in the price of errors (there is a difference between its rights to trees and roofs of a skyscraper.between a stone my thumb with a hammer and punch electric current voltage 10 kv);
- adaptation rights to the dangers (a sense of comfort in the cara high speed, and violations of safety rules. [1]
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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